#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/UnstableFinalState.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedLeptons.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/HeavyHadrons.hh" //#include "Rivet/Projections/InitialQuarks.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/MissingMomentum.hh" #include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh" #include "Rivet/AnalysisLoader.hh" #include namespace Rivet { class MC_TTBAR_DILEP : public Analysis { public: /// Minimal constructor MC_TTBAR_DILEP() : Analysis("MC_TTBAR_DILEP") { } /// @name Analysis methods //@{ /// Set up projections and book histograms void init() { //InitialQuarks iq(); // A FinalState is used to select particles within |eta| < 4.2 and with pT // > 30 GeV, out of which the ChargedLeptons projection picks only the // electrons and muons, to be accessed later as "LFS". Taus are not stable, so they do not enter... ChargedLeptons lfs(FinalState(-2.5, 2.5, 20*GeV)); addProjection(lfs, "LFS"); HeavyHadrons hds(-2.5, 2.5,5*GeV); //addProjections(UnstableFinalState...) is implicit in constructor addProjection(hds, "HDS"); // A second FinalState is used to select all particles in |eta| < 4.2, // with no pT cut. This is used to construct jets and measure missing // transverse energy. VetoedFinalState fs(FinalState(-5.2, 5.2, 0*GeV)); // fs.addVetoOnThisFinalState(lfs); addProjection(FastJets(fs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.5), "Jets"); addProjection(MissingMomentum(fs), "MissingET"); // Booking of histograms _h_weight = bookHisto1D("weight", 2, -2, 2); _h_scale = bookHisto1D("scale", logspace(50, 100.0, 2000.0)); // _h_njets = bookHisto1D("jet_mult", 11, -0.5, 10.5); _h_njets60 = bookHisto1D("jet_mult60", 11, -0.5, 10.5); _h_njets90 = bookHisto1D("jet_mult90", 11, -0.5, 10.5); _h_nbjets = bookHisto1D("bjet_mult", 6, -0.5, 5.5); _h_nGhostbjets = bookHisto1D("bGhostjet_mult", 6, -0.5, 5.5); _h_nleps = bookHisto1D("lep_mult", 6, -0.5, 5.5); // _h_jet_1_pT = bookHisto1D("jet_1_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 500.0)); _h_jet_2_pT = bookHisto1D("jet_2_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 400.0)); _h_jet_3_pT = bookHisto1D("jet_3_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 300.0)); _h_jet_4_pT = bookHisto1D("jet_4_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 200.0)); _h_jet_5_pT = bookHisto1D("jet_5_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 200.0)); _h_jet_6_pT = bookHisto1D("jet_6_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 200.0)); _h_jet_HT = bookHisto1D("jet_HT", logspace(50, 100.0, 2000.0)); _h_MET = bookHisto1D("MET", logspace(50, 100.0, 600.0)); // _h_bjet_pT = bookHisto1D("jetb_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 400.0)); _h_bbarjet_pT = bookHisto1D("jetbbar_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 300.0)); // _h_ljet_1_pT = bookHisto1D("jetl_1_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 400.0)); _h_ljet_2_pT = bookHisto1D("jetl_2_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 300.0)); _h_ljet_3_pT = bookHisto1D("jetl_3_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 400.0)); _h_ljet_4_pT = bookHisto1D("jetl_4_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 300.0)); // _h_jet_1_eta = bookHisto1D( "jet_1_eta", 30, -3., 3.); _h_jet_2_eta = bookHisto1D( "jet_2_eta", 30, -3., 3.); _h_jet_3_eta = bookHisto1D( "jet_3_eta", 30, -3., 3.); _h_jet_4_eta = bookHisto1D( "jet_4_eta", 30, -3., 3.); _h_jet_5_eta = bookHisto1D( "jet_5_eta", 30, -3., 3.); _h_jet_6_eta = bookHisto1D( "jet_6_eta", 30, -3., 3.); _h_bjet_eta = bookHisto1D("jetb_eta", 30, -3., 3.); _h_bbarjet_eta = bookHisto1D("jetbbar_eta", 30, -3., 3.); _h_ljet_1_eta = bookHisto1D("jetl_1_eta", 30, -3., 3.); _h_ljet_2_eta = bookHisto1D("jetl_2_eta", 30, -3., 3.); _h_ljet_3_eta = bookHisto1D("jetl_3_eta", 30, -3., 3.); _h_ljet_4_eta = bookHisto1D("jetl_4_eta", 30, -3., 3.); // _h_bjet_mass = bookHisto1D("jetb_mass", 50, 0., 50.); _h_bbarjet_mass = bookHisto1D("jetbbar_mass", 50, 0., 50.); _h_ljet_1_mass = bookHisto1D("jetl_1_mass", 50, 0., 50.); _h_ljet_2_mass = bookHisto1D("jetl_2_mass", 50, 0., 50.); _h_ljet_3_mass = bookHisto1D("jetl_3_mass", 50, 0., 50.); _h_ljet_4_mass = bookHisto1D("jetl_4_mass", 50, 0., 50.); // /*_h_W_mass = bookHisto1D("W_mass", 90, 0, 180); _h_Wbar_mass = bookHisto1D("Wbar_mass", 90, 0, 180); _h_t_mass = bookHisto1D("t_mass", 200, 0, 400); _h_tbar_mass = bookHisto1D("tbar_mass", 200, 0, 400); _h_t_pT = bookHisto1D("t_pT", 50, 0, 500); _h_tbar_pT = bookHisto1D("tbar_pT", 50, 0, 500);*/ // _h_tt_pT = bookHisto1D("tt_pT", 50, 0, 300); // double p[]={0.,25.,75.,175.,300.} std::vector< double > edges; edges.push_back(0.); edges.push_back(30.); edges.push_back(80.); edges.push_back(170.); edges.push_back(300.); _h_tt_pT = bookHisto1D("tt_pT", edges ); // _h_t_mass_W_cut = bookHisto1D("t_mass_W_cut", 200, 0, 300); // /* _h_W_pT = bookHisto1D("W_pT", 50, 0, 400); _h_Wbar_pT = bookHisto1D("Wbar_pT", 50, 0, 400); _h_W_pT_W_cut = bookHisto1D("W_pT_W_cut", 50, 0, 400); _h_t_pT_W_cut = bookHisto1D("t_pT_W_cut", 50, 0, 500); _h_tt_pT_W_cut = bookHisto1D("tt_pT_W_cut", 50, 0, 300);*/ // _h_jetb_1_jetb_2_dR = bookHisto1D("jetb_1_jetb_2_dR", 20, 0.0, 7.0); _h_jetb_1_jetb_2_deta = bookHisto1D("jetb_1_jetb_2_deta", 20, 0.0, 7.0); _h_jetb_1_jetb_2_dphi = bookHisto1D("jetb_1_jetb_2_dphi", 20, 0.0, M_PI); _h_jetb_1_jetl_1_dR = bookHisto1D("jetb_1_jetl_1_dR", 20, 0.0, 7.0); _h_jetb_1_jetl_1_deta = bookHisto1D("jetb_1_jetl_1_deta", 20, 0.0, 7.0); _h_jetb_1_jetl_1_dphi = bookHisto1D("jetb_1_jetl_1_dphi", 20, 0.0, M_PI); _h_jetl_1_jetl_2_dR = bookHisto1D("jetl_1_jetl_2_dR", 20, 0.0, 7.0); _h_jetl_1_jetl_2_deta = bookHisto1D("jetl_1_jetl_2_deta", 20, 0.0, 7.0); _h_jetl_1_jetl_2_dphi = bookHisto1D("jetl_1_jetl_2_dphi", 20, 0.0, M_PI); // _h_jetb_1_W_dR = bookHisto1D("jetb_1_W_dR", 20, 0.0, 7.0); // _h_jetb_1_W_deta = bookHisto1D("jetb_1_W_deta", 20, 0.0, 7.0); // _h_jetb_1_W_dphi = bookHisto1D("jetb_1_W_dphi", 20, 0.0, M_PI); // _h_jetb_1_l_dR = bookHisto1D("jetb_1_l_dR", 20, 0.0, 7.0); // _h_jetb_1_l_deta = bookHisto1D("jetb_1_l_deta", 20, 0.0, 7.0); // _h_jetb_1_l_dphi = bookHisto1D("jetb_1_l_dphi", 20, 0.0, M_PI); // _h_jetb_1_l_mass = bookHisto1D("jetb_1_l_mass", 40, 0.0, 500.0); } void analyze(const Event& event) { // HepMC::WeightContainer weights = event.weights(); // const double weight = weight=weights[0]; const double weight =event.weight(); _h_weight->fill(weight/fabs(weight)); _h_scale->fill(event.genEvent()->event_scale(), weight); //std::cout<<"Weight "<(event, "Jets"); const Jets alljets = jetpro.jetsByPt(); /*if (alljets.size() < 7) { MSG_DEBUG("Event failed jet multiplicity cut"); vetoEvent; }*/ // Use the "LFS" projection to require at least one hard charged // lepton. This is an experimental signature for the leptonically decaying // W. This helps to reduce pure QCD backgrounds. const ChargedLeptons& lfs = applyProjection(event, "LFS"); MSG_DEBUG("Charged lepton multiplicity = " << lfs.chargedLeptons().size()); _h_nleps->fill(lfs.chargedLeptons().size(), weight); //foreach (const Particle& lepton, lfs.chargedLeptons()) { // MSG_DEBUG("Lepton pT = " << lepton.pT()); //} if (lfs.chargedLeptons().size() <2) { MSG_DEBUG("Event failed lepton multiplicity cut"); vetoEvent; } // Use a missing ET cut to bias toward events with a hard neutrino from // the leptonically decaying W. This helps to reduce pure QCD backgrounds. const MissingMomentum& met = applyProjection(event, "MissingET"); MSG_DEBUG("Vector ET = " << met.vectorEt().mod() << " GeV"); _h_MET->fill(met.vectorEt().mod(),weight); //if (met.vectorEt().mod() < 30*GeV) { // MSG_DEBUG("Event failed missing ET cut"); // vetoEvent; //} // Update passed-cuts counter and fill all-jets histograms _h_jet_1_pT->fill(alljets[0].pT()/GeV, weight); _h_jet_2_pT->fill(alljets[1].pT()/GeV, weight); _h_jet_3_pT->fill(alljets[2].pT()/GeV, weight); _h_jet_4_pT->fill(alljets[3].pT()/GeV, weight); _h_jet_5_pT->fill(alljets[4].pT()/GeV, weight); _h_jet_6_pT->fill(alljets[5].pT()/GeV, weight); _h_jet_1_eta->fill(alljets[0].eta(), weight); _h_jet_2_eta->fill(alljets[1].eta(), weight); _h_jet_3_eta->fill(alljets[2].eta(), weight); _h_jet_4_eta->fill(alljets[3].eta(), weight); _h_jet_5_eta->fill(alljets[4].eta(), weight); _h_jet_6_eta->fill(alljets[5].eta(), weight); // Insist that the hardest 4 jets pass pT hardness cuts. If we don't find // at least 4 such jets, we abandon this event. Jets jets; foreach (const Jet& j, alljets) { // /// @todo Use direct kinematics access const double pt = j.momentum().pT(); const double eta = j.momentum().eta(); if (pt > 30*GeV && fabs(eta) < 2.4) jets.push_back(j); } const Jets jets30 = jetpro.jetsByPt(30*GeV); _h_njets->fill(jets30.size(), weight); const Jets jets60 = jetpro.jetsByPt(60*GeV); _h_njets60->fill(jets60.size(), weight); const Jets jets90 = jetpro.jetsByPt(90*GeV); _h_njets90->fill(jets90.size(), weight); double ht = 0.0; foreach (const Jet& j, jets) { ht += j.pT(); } _h_jet_HT->fill(ht/GeV, weight); /*if (jets.size() < 4) { MSG_DEBUG("Event failed jet cuts"); vetoEvent; }*/ // Sort the jets into b-jets and light jets. We expect one hard b-jet from // each top decay, so our 4 hardest jets should include two b-jets. The // Jet::containsBottom() method is equivalent to perfect experimental // b-tagging, in a generator-independent way. //Get bHadrons from HeavyHadrons const HeavyHadrons & hds = applyProjection(event,"HDS"); const std::vector B_hadrons = hds.bHadrons(); //cout<<"B_hadrons size"< 5 GeV /// @todo This is a hack -- replace with UnstableFinalState /* vector B_hadrons; vector allParticles = particles(event.genEvent()); for (size_t i = 0; i < allParticles.size(); i++) { GenParticle* p = allParticles[i]; if (!PID::isHadron(p->pdg_id()) || !PID::hasBottom(p->pdg_id())) continue; if (p->momentum().perp() < 5*GeV) continue; B_hadrons.push_back(p); } */ Jets bjets, bbarjets, ljets; int nGhostBjets=0; //int iJetCount=0; foreach (const Jet& jet, jets) { // // Don't count jets that overlap with the hard leptons // Not needed since we will filter on pure hadron decays at ME/Paton level bool isolated = true; foreach (const Particle& lepton, lfs.chargedLeptons()) { if (deltaR(jet.momentum(), lepton.momentum()) < 0.4) { isolated = false; break; } } if (!isolated) { MSG_DEBUG("Jet failed lepton isolation cut"); break; } if(jet.containsBottom()) nGhostBjets++; //iJetCount++; //if (iJetCount==6) break; //only 6 first jets } //loop to find nBjets //iJetCount=0; foreach (const Jet& jet, jets) { bool isbJet = false; bool isbbarJet = false; if (jet.containsBottom()){ for (size_t i = 0; i < B_hadrons.size(); i++) { const Rivet::Particle b = B_hadrons[i]; if (deltaR(jet.momentum(), b.momentum()) < 0.4) { //cout<<"Matched B hadron "< 0) isbbarJet = true; } } } if (isbJet && !isbbarJet) { bjets.push_back(jet); } else if (isbbarJet && !isbJet) { bbarjets.push_back(jet); } else if (!isbJet && !isbbarJet) { ljets.push_back(jet); } //iJetCount++; //if (iJetCount==6) break; //only 6 first jets } MSG_DEBUG("Number of b-jets = " << bjets.size()+bbarjets.size()); //std::cout << "b " << bjets.size() << std::endl; //std::cout << "b~ " << bbarjets.size() << std::endl; _h_nbjets->fill(bjets.size()+bbarjets.size(), weight); _h_nGhostbjets->fill(nGhostBjets); MSG_DEBUG("Number of l-jets = " << ljets.size()); //we want at least 2 bjets if(nGhostBjets<2) vetoEvent; if (bjets.size() != 1 || bbarjets.size() != 1) { MSG_DEBUG("Event failed post-lepton-isolation b-tagging cut"); vetoEvent; } /* if(deltaR(bjets[0].momentum(),bbarjets[0].momentum()) < 2.0) { MSG_DEBUG("Event failed dRbb>2.0"); vetoEvent; } if (ljets.size() != 4) { MSG_DEBUG("Event failed since not enough light jets remaining after jet identification"); vetoEvent; } */ // Plot the pTs of the identified jets. if (bjets.size() >0){ _h_bjet_pT->fill(bjets[0].pT(), weight); _h_bjet_eta->fill(bjets[0].eta(), weight); _h_bjet_mass->fill(bjets[0].mass(), weight); } if (bbarjets.size() >0){ _h_bbarjet_pT->fill(bbarjets[0].pT(), weight); _h_bbarjet_eta->fill(bbarjets[0].eta(), weight); _h_bbarjet_mass->fill(bbarjets[0].mass(), weight); } if (ljets.size()>0){ _h_ljet_1_pT->fill(ljets[0].pT(), weight); _h_ljet_1_eta->fill(ljets[0].eta(), weight); _h_ljet_1_mass->fill(ljets[0].mass(), weight); } if (ljets.size()>1){ _h_ljet_2_pT->fill(ljets[1].pT(), weight); _h_ljet_2_eta->fill(ljets[1].eta(), weight); _h_ljet_2_mass->fill(ljets[1].mass(), weight); } if (ljets.size()>2){ _h_ljet_3_pT->fill(ljets[2].pT(), weight); _h_ljet_3_eta->fill(ljets[2].eta(), weight); _h_ljet_3_mass->fill(ljets[2].mass(), weight); } if (ljets.size()>3){ _h_ljet_4_pT->fill(ljets[3].pT(), weight); _h_ljet_4_eta->fill(ljets[3].eta(), weight); _h_ljet_4_mass->fill(ljets[3].mass(), weight); } // find the two closest light jets to the bjets /* Jets lbarjets, lnonbarjets; MSG_DEBUG("Matching ljets"); foreach (const Jet& jet, ljets) { if(lbarjets.size()<2 && deltaR(bbarjets[0].momentum(),jet.momentum())fill(W.mass(), weight); _h_W_pT->fill(W.pT(), weight); MSG_DEBUG("Candidate Wbar mass = " << Wbar.mass() << " GeV"); _h_Wbar_mass->fill(Wbar.mass(), weight); _h_Wbar_pT->fill(Wbar.pT(), weight); FourMomentum t = W + bjets[0].momentum(); FourMomentum tbar = Wbar + bbarjets[0].momentum(); _h_t_mass->fill(t.mass(), weight); _h_t_pT ->fill(t.pT(), weight); _h_tbar_mass->fill(tbar.mass(), weight); _h_tbar_pT->fill(tbar.pT(), weight); */ FourMomentum tt; if(lfs.chargedLeptons().size()==2){ if(lfs.chargedLeptons()[0].charge()*lfs.chargedLeptons()[1].charge()<0) tt = met.visibleMomentum() +bjets[0].momentum()+ bbarjets[0].momentum()+lfs.chargedLeptons()[0].momentum()+lfs.chargedLeptons()[1].momentum(); else tt = FourMomentum(0,0,0,0); } else if(lfs.chargedLeptons().size()>2){ if(lfs.chargedLeptons()[0].charge()*lfs.chargedLeptons()[1].charge()<0) tt = -met.visibleMomentum() +bjets[0].momentum()+ bbarjets[0].momentum()+lfs.chargedLeptons()[0].momentum()+lfs.chargedLeptons()[1].momentum(); else if(lfs.chargedLeptons()[0].charge()*lfs.chargedLeptons()[2].charge()<0) tt = -met.visibleMomentum() +bjets[0].momentum()+ bbarjets[0].momentum()+lfs.chargedLeptons()[0].momentum()+lfs.chargedLeptons()[2].momentum(); else if(lfs.chargedLeptons()[1].charge()*lfs.chargedLeptons()[2].charge()<0) tt = -met.visibleMomentum() +bjets[0].momentum()+ bbarjets[0].momentum()+lfs.chargedLeptons()[1].momentum()+lfs.chargedLeptons()[2].momentum(); else tt = FourMomentum(0,0,0,0); } _h_tt_pT->fill(tt.pT(),weight); // Placing a cut on the well-known W mass helps to reduce backgrounds /* if (inRange(W.mass()/GeV, 75.0, 85.0)) { MSG_DEBUG("W found with mass " << W.mass()/GeV << " GeV"); _h_W_pT_W_cut->fill(W.pT(), weight); _h_t_mass_W_cut->fill(t.mass(), weight); _h_t_pT_W_cut->fill(t.pT(), weight); } if (inRange(Wbar.mass()/GeV, 75.0, 85.0)) { MSG_DEBUG("Wbar found with mass " << Wbar.mass()/GeV << " GeV"); _h_W_pT_W_cut->fill(Wbar.pT(), weight); _h_t_mass_W_cut->fill(tbar.mass(), weight); _h_t_pT_W_cut->fill(tbar.pT(), weight); } if (inRange(W.mass()/GeV, 75.0, 85.0) && inRange(Wbar.mass()/GeV, 75.0, 85.0)) _h_tt_pT_W_cut ->fill(tt.pT(),weight); */ if(bjets.size()>0 && bbarjets.size()>0){ _h_jetb_1_jetb_2_dR->fill(deltaR(bjets[0].momentum(), bbarjets[0].momentum()),weight); _h_jetb_1_jetb_2_deta->fill(fabs(bjets[0].eta()-bbarjets[0].eta()),weight); _h_jetb_1_jetb_2_dphi->fill(deltaPhi(bjets[0].momentum(),bbarjets[0].momentum()),weight); } if(bjets.size()>0 && ljets.size()>0){ _h_jetb_1_jetl_1_dR->fill(deltaR(bjets[0].momentum(), ljets[0].momentum()),weight); _h_jetb_1_jetl_1_deta->fill(fabs(bjets[0].eta()-ljets[0].eta()),weight); _h_jetb_1_jetl_1_dphi->fill(deltaPhi(bjets[0].momentum(),ljets[0].momentum()),weight); } if(ljets.size()>1){ _h_jetl_1_jetl_2_dR->fill(deltaR(ljets[0].momentum(), ljets[1].momentum()),weight); _h_jetl_1_jetl_2_deta->fill(fabs(ljets[0].eta()-ljets[1].eta()),weight); _h_jetl_1_jetl_2_dphi->fill(deltaPhi(ljets[0].momentum(),ljets[1].momentum()),weight); } /* _h_jetb_1_W_dR->fill(deltaR(bjets[0].momentum(), W),weight); _h_jetb_1_W_deta->fill(fabs(bjets[0].eta()-W.eta()),weight); _h_jetb_1_W_dphi->fill(deltaPhi(bjets[0].momentum(),W),weight); */ /* if(lfs.chargedLeptons().size()>0 && bjets.size()>0){ FourMomentum l=lfs.chargedLeptons()[0].momentum(); _h_jetb_1_l_dR->fill(deltaR(bjets[0].momentum(), l),weight); _h_jetb_1_l_deta->fill(fabs(bjets[0].eta()-l.eta()),weight); _h_jetb_1_l_dphi->fill(deltaPhi(bjets[0].momentum(),l),weight); _h_jetb_1_l_mass->fill(FourMomentum(bjets[0].momentum()+l).mass(), weight); } //} */ // t_pT from GEN /* bool isT=false; bool isTbar=false; HepMC::GenParticle* T; HepMC::GenParticle* Tbar; for (size_t i = 0; i < allParticles.size(); i++) { GenParticle* p = allParticles[i]; if(isT && isTbar) {FourMomentum tt(10*sqrtS(), 0, 0, 0); tt=T->momentum()+Tbar->momentum(); _h_tt_Pt->fill(tt.pt());break;} if (p->pdg_id()==5 && !(isT)){T=p; isT=true; _h_t_mass->fill(T->momentum().mass(); _h_t_pT->fill(T->momentum().perp());} if( p->pdg_id()==-5 && !(isTbar)){Tbar=p; isTbar=true; _h_t_mass->fill(Tbar->momentum().mass(); _h_t_pT->fill(Tbar->momentum().perp());} } */ } void finalize() { /*normalize(_h_weight); normalize(_h_scale); normalize(_h_njets); normalize(_h_nbjets); normalize(_h_nleps); normalize(_h_jet_1_pT); normalize(_h_jet_2_pT); normalize(_h_jet_3_pT); normalize(_h_jet_4_pT); normalize(_h_jet_5_pT); normalize(_h_jet_1_eta); normalize(_h_jet_2_eta); normalize(_h_jet_3_eta); normalize(_h_jet_4_eta); normalize(_h_jet_5_eta); normalize(_h_jet_HT); normalize(_h_bjet_1_pT); normalize(_h_bjet_2_pT); normalize(_h_ljet_1_pT); normalize(_h_ljet_2_pT); normalize(_h_bjet_1_eta); normalize(_h_bjet_2_eta); normalize(_h_ljet_1_eta); normalize(_h_ljet_2_eta); normalize(_h_bjet_1_mass); normalize(_h_bjet_2_mass); normalize(_h_ljet_1_mass); normalize(_h_ljet_2_mass); normalize(_h_W_mass); normalize(_h_t_mass); normalize(_h_t_mass_W_cut); normalize(_h_t_pT_W_cut); normalize(_h_jetb_1_jetb_2_dR); normalize(_h_jetb_1_jetb_2_deta); normalize(_h_jetb_1_jetb_2_dphi); normalize(_h_jetb_1_jetl_1_dR); normalize(_h_jetb_1_jetl_1_deta); normalize(_h_jetb_1_jetl_1_dphi); normalize(_h_jetl_1_jetl_2_dR); normalize(_h_jetl_1_jetl_2_deta); normalize(_h_jetl_1_jetl_2_dphi); normalize(_h_jetb_1_W_dR); normalize(_h_jetb_1_W_deta); normalize(_h_jetb_1_W_dphi); normalize(_h_jetb_1_l_dR); normalize(_h_jetb_1_l_deta); normalize(_h_jetb_1_l_dphi); normalize(_h_jetb_1_l_mass);*/ } //@} private: // @name Histogram data members //@{ Histo1DPtr _h_weight, _h_scale; Histo1DPtr _h_njets, _h_njets60, _h_njets90, _h_nbjets, _h_nleps, _h_nGhostbjets; Histo1DPtr _h_jet_1_pT, _h_jet_2_pT, _h_jet_3_pT, _h_jet_4_pT, _h_jet_5_pT, _h_jet_6_pT; Histo1DPtr _h_jet_1_eta, _h_jet_2_eta, _h_jet_3_eta, _h_jet_4_eta, _h_jet_5_eta, _h_jet_6_eta; Histo1DPtr _h_jet_HT, _h_MET; Histo1DPtr _h_bjet_pT, _h_bbarjet_pT; Histo1DPtr _h_ljet_1_pT, _h_ljet_2_pT, _h_ljet_3_pT, _h_ljet_4_pT; Histo1DPtr _h_bjet_eta, _h_bbarjet_eta; Histo1DPtr _h_ljet_1_eta, _h_ljet_2_eta, _h_ljet_3_eta, _h_ljet_4_eta; Histo1DPtr _h_bjet_mass, _h_bbarjet_mass; Histo1DPtr _h_ljet_1_mass, _h_ljet_2_mass, _h_ljet_3_mass, _h_ljet_4_mass; // Histo1DPtr _h_W_mass, _h_Wbar_mass, _h_W_pT, _h_Wbar_pT,_h_W_pT_W_cut; // Histo1DPtr _h_t_mass, _h_tbar_mass, _h_t_mass_W_cut, _h_t_pT_W_cut; Histo1DPtr _h_tt_pT; Histo1DPtr _h_jetb_1_jetb_2_dR, _h_jetb_1_jetb_2_deta, _h_jetb_1_jetb_2_dphi; Histo1DPtr _h_jetb_1_jetl_1_dR, _h_jetb_1_jetl_1_deta, _h_jetb_1_jetl_1_dphi; Histo1DPtr _h_jetl_1_jetl_2_dR, _h_jetl_1_jetl_2_deta, _h_jetl_1_jetl_2_dphi; //Histo1DPtr _h_jetb_1_W_dR, _h_jetb_1_W_deta, _h_jetb_1_W_dphi; //Histo1DPtr _h_jetb_1_l_dR, _h_jetb_1_l_deta, _h_jetb_1_l_dphi,_h_jetb_1_l_mass; //@} }; // The hook for the plugin system DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(MC_TTBAR_DILEP); }