\documentclass[aps,onecolumn,amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb,nofootinbib,eqsecnum,% secnumarabic,notitlepage]{revtex4-1} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{slashed,hyperref,color} \hypersetup{bookmarks=true, unicode=true, pdftoolbar=true, pdfmenubar=true, pdffitwindow=false, pdfstartview={FitH}, pdftitle={DMsimp\_t}, pdfauthor={Benjamin Fuks}, pdfsubject={FR DMsimp\_t implementation}, pdfcreator={Benjamin Fuks},pdfproducer={Benjamin Fuks}, pdfkeywords={dark matter}, pdfnewwindow=true, colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=magenta, filecolor=magenta, urlcolor=cyan} %%%%%%%%%%%%%% Begin Commands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Latin \def\ie{{\it i.e.}} %% environments \newcommand{\be}{\begin{equation*}} \newcommand{\ee}{\end{equation*}} \def\bsp#1\esp{\begin{split}#1\end{split}} \def\bpm{\begin{pmatrix}} \def\epm{\end{pmatrix}} %% Physics symbols \def\lag{{\cal L}} \def\sss{\scriptscriptstyle} \def\as{\alpha_{\sss s}} \def\gs{g_{\sss s}} \def\gL{g_{\sss w}} \def\gY{g_{\sss Y}} \def\gF{G_{\sss F}} \def\tw{\theta_{\sss W}} \def\ydm{y_{\sss \chi}} \def\dR{d_{\sss R}} \def\eR{\ell_{\sss R}} \def\Ll{L_{\sss L}} \def\QL{Q_{\sss L}} \def\QLbar{\bar Q_{\sss L}} \def\uR{u_{\sss R}} \def\uRbar{{\bar u}_{\sss R}} % Tools \newcommand{\ch}{{\sc\small CalcHep}} \newcommand{\fa}{{\sc\small FeynArts}} \newcommand{\fr}{{\sc \small FeynRules}} \newcommand{\ma}{{\sc\small MadAnalysis}~5} \newcommand{\maddm}{{\sc\small MadDM}} \newcommand{\mg}{{\sc\small MG5\_aMC}} \newcommand{\micromegas}{{\sc\small MicrOMEGAs}} \newcommand{\mthmtc}{{\sc\small Mathematica}} \newcommand{\nloct}{{\sc\small NLOCT}} \def\lqdm{{\tt LQDM}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of Commands %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% Begin Cover Page %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} \title{Documentation on the \lqdm\ \fr\ implementation} \author{Benjamin~Fuks} \email{fuks@lpthe.jussieu.fr} \affiliation{Sorbonne Universit\'e, CNRS, Laboratoire de Physique Th\'eorique et Hautes \'Energies, LPTHE, F-75005 Paris, France} \affiliation{Institut Universitaire de France, 103 boulevard Saint-Michel, 75005 Paris, France} \begin{abstract} This note contains information about the \lqdm\ model implementation in \fr, a model aiming to jointly explain flavour anomalies and dark matter. All \fr\ model files are available from \url{https://phystev.cnrs.fr/wiki/2019:groups:bsm:rdm}, together with an illustrative \mthmtc\ notebooks and the generated \ch\ and UFO models. \end{abstract} \maketitle %%%%%%%%%%%%%% Begin Main Part %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% We consider a simplified model in which we supplement the Standard Model by one scalar leptoquark field $S_1$ and two extra fermionic fields, a Majorana fermion $\chi_0$ and a Dirac fermion $\chi_1$. The $S_1$ and $\chi_1$ fields are electrically-charged coloured weak singlets lying in the $({\bf 3}, {\bf 1})_{-1/3}$ representation of the Standard Model gauge group. In contrast, $\chi_0$ is a dark matter candidate and therefore a non-coloured electroweak singlet. In our \fr\ implementation, we consider all potential interactions of the new sector with the Standard Model sector, the corresponding Lagrangian being written as \be\bsp \lag = &\ \lag_{\rm SM} + \lag_{\rm kin} + \bigg[ {\bf \lambda_{\sss R}}\ \uRbar^c\ \eR^{\phantom{c}} \ S_1^\dag + {\bf \lambda_{\sss L}}\ \QLbar^c \!\cdot\! \Ll^{\phantom{c}} \ S_1^\dag + \ydm \bar\chi_1\chi_0 S_1 + {\rm h.c.} \bigg]\ . \esp\label{eq:lag}\ee In this expression, all flavour indices are understood for simplicity and the dot stands for the $SU(2)$-invariant product of two fields lying in its fundamental representation. In addition, $\lag_{\rm SM}$ is the Standard Model Lagrangian and $\lag_{\rm kin}$ contains gauge-invariant kinetic and mass terms for all new fields, the $\chi_1$ state being assumed vector-like. The $\QL$ and $\Ll$ spinors stand for the $SU(2)_L$ doublets of left-handed quarks and leptons respectively, whilst $\uR$ and $\eR$ stand for the $SU(2)_L$ singlets of right-handed down-type quarks and charged leptons, respectively. As can be derived from the omitted flavour structure, the ${\bf \lambda_{\sss L}}$ and ${\bf \lambda_{\sss R}}$ couplings are $3\times 3$ matrices in the flavour space, that are considered real in the following. Moreover, in our conventions, the first index $i$ of any $\lambda_{ij}$ element refers to the quark generation whilst the second one $j$ refers to the lepton generation. The field content of the new physics sector of our simplified model is presented in table~\ref{tab:fields}, together with the corresponding representation under the gauge and Poincar\'e groups, the potential Majorana nature of the different particles, the adopted symbol in the \fr\ implementation and the PDG identifier that has been chosen for each particle. The new physics coupling parameters are collected in table~\ref{tab:params}, in which we additionally include the name used in the \fr\ model and the Les Houches blocks in which the numerical values of the different parameters can be changed by the user when running tools like \mg\ or \micromegas. \begin{table}[h] \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.4} \setlength\tabcolsep{8pt} \begin{tabular}{c c c c c c} Field & Spin & Repr. & Self-conj. & \fr\ name & PDG code\\ \hline\hline $S_1$ & 0 & $({\bf 3}, {\bf 1})_{-1/3}$ & no & {\tt LQ} & 42\\ $\chi_0$ & 1/2 & $({\bf 1}, {\bf 1})_0$ & yes & {\tt chi0} & 5000521\\ $\chi_1$ & 1/2 & $({\bf 3}, {\bf 1})_{-1/3}$ & no & {\tt chi1} & 5000522\\ \end{tabular} \caption{\it New particles supplementing the Standard Model, given together with the representations under $SU(3)_c\times SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y$. We additionally indicate whether the particles are Majorana particles, their name in the \fr\ implementation and the associated Particle Data Group (PDG) identifier.} \label{tab:fields} \end{table} \begin{table}[h] \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.4} \setlength\tabcolsep{15pt} \begin{tabular}{c c c c} Coupling & \fr\ name & Les Houches block\\ \hline\hline $(\lambda_{\sss L})_{ij}$ & {\tt lamL} & {\tt LQLAML}\\ $(\lambda_{\sss R})_{ij}$ & {\tt lamR} & {\tt LQLAMR}\\ $\ydm$ & {\tt yDM} & {\tt DMINPUTS}\\ \end{tabular} \caption{\it Couplings of the new particles, given together with the associated \fr\ symbol and the Les Houches block of the parameter card.} \label{tab:params} \end{table} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{document}