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2013:groups:higgs:dihiggs [2013/06/18 21:55]
2013:groups:higgs:dihiggs [2013/06/20 15:52] (current)
christoph.englert [Concrete projects:]
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-==== Double Higgs ====+===== Double Higgs Production =====
-Interested people: Roberto, Yun, Giacomo, ... (please add your name!)  ​ 
-Topics:+A more general list of topics that was discussed in Les Houches can be found below.
-1) check feasability of WW->hh: which channel (WWbb) ? which luminosity ? is energy upgrade competitive ? 
-2) sensitivity on trilinear ​(HH)^3 in gg->hh vs gg->h (at two loops): by the time we are able to measure it, will gg->hh be competitive with single higgs ?+===== Concrete projects: ===== 
 +=== Study feasibility of double Higgs production via Vector Boson Fusion at the LHC === 
 +Interested people: Roberto, Christophe, Matthew, Gustaaf, Filip, Son, Bondu, Massironi, Yun ... (please add your name!) ​  
 +Relevant literature: [[http://​​abs/​arXiv:​1206.5001|1206.5001]],​ [[http://​​abs/​arXiv:​1210.8166|1210.8166]],​ [[http://​​abs/​arXiv:​1002.1011|1002.1011]] 
 +To do: 
 +      - tabulate figures of merit for signal and most relevant backgrounds in the following channels: bbbb, bbWW, bbtautau. 
 +      - which kind of future collider (ILC, CLIC, 100 TeV pp, ...) would be sensitive?​ 
 +{{:​2013:​talks:​leshouchs2.pdf | Englert talk }} 
 +==== General Topics that were discussed at Les Houches ==== 
 +1) check feasability of WW->hh: which channel (WWbb)? which lumi? is energy upgrade competitive?​ 
 +2) sensitivity on trilinear ​H^3 in gg->hh vs gg->h (at two loops): by the time we are able to measure it, will gg->hh be competitive with single higgs?
 3) check extraction of anomalous couplings (e.g. cH) using double Higgs strahlung at the LHC 3) check extraction of anomalous couplings (e.g. cH) using double Higgs strahlung at the LHC
2013/groups/higgs/dihiggs.1371585310.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/18 21:55 by giacomo.cacciapaglia