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2015:groups:higgs:morehiggs:hpair [2015/06/14 17:50]
2015:groups:higgs:morehiggs:hpair [2015/06/14 18:32] (current)
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-Suggestion and work starting (Xanda): To setup a toy analysis: 
-As I have the MC without effort in the context of B' coupled only to third generation (B'​B'​ > bH bH) I am starting to generate events and play with toy analysis of shower level events. ​ 
-I am using HH > 4 gammas: just to have rough idea (independently of the final state chosen) of how the HH signal would look like if we could completely determine the Higgs decay products without need to hack muck MC. 
-The associated b would be soft, what may look like a light jet (need to think in the PDF flavour scheme and production modes) ​ 
2015/groups/higgs/morehiggs/hpair.1434297051.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/06/14 17:50 by alexandra.oliveira