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2015:groups:sm:nloew [2015/07/06 11:58]
philippe.gras Moved to e-group mailing list
2015:groups:sm:nloew [2016/01/30 10:01]
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 ====== NLO EW technical comparisons ====== ====== NLO EW technical comparisons ======
-//If you are interested in contributing please subscribe to the [[https://​​e-groups/​​searchValue=houches-2015-topics-xwg-ewk-corrections|mailing list]].//+//If you are interested in contributing please subscribe to the [[https://​​e-groups/​​searchValue=houches-2015-topics-xwg-ewk-corrections|mailing list]]. You will be asked to log in with your CERN account. If you don't have a CERN account, please fill [[https://​​account/​Externals/​RegisterAccount.aspx|this form]] to create a lightweight account.//
 ===== Working plan: ===== ===== Working plan: =====
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         Sherpa (         Sherpa (
-Parameters according to CMS paper [[http://​​abs/​1505.06520|arXiv.1505.06250]] ​+Parameters according to CMS paper [[http://​​abs/​1505.06520|arXiv.1505.06250]], now published [[http://​​10.1007/​JHEP10(2015)128|JHEP 10 (2015) 128]] 
 +**NEW!** Link to the Rivet analysis file and plots:​{{:​2015:​groups:​tools:​cms_2015_i1372730.tar|}}
 +  * There are three plugins: ​
 +    * CMS_2015_I1372730_Z:​ Z only plots
 +    * CMS_2015_I1372730_G:​ gamma only plots
 +    * CMS_2015_I1372730:​ all plots including ratios
 +  * the plugin with the ratio plots can only be run on a sample with both Z and gamma events with correct relative cross-section
 +  * otherwise to get the ratio plots one should run the first two plugins and then make the ratio (will try to provide a script, but just send the plots to and I will do it)
 Selection cuts for the ratio plots: ​ Selection cuts for the ratio plots: ​
   * For $Z/​\gamma^{*}$ plus jets events we select:   * For $Z/​\gamma^{*}$ plus jets events we select:
-    * two same flavour opposite sign leptons with $p_{T} > 20$ GeV and $|\eta| < 1.4$ and $71 < M_{\ell\ell} < 121 $ GeV and $p_{T}^{\ell\ell} > 100$ GeV+    * two same flavour opposite sign leptons with $p_{T} > 20$ GeV and $|\eta| < 2.4$ and $71 < M_{\ell\ell} < 111 $ GeV and $p_{T}^{\ell\ell} > 100$ GeV
     * leptons are "​dressed"​ with all photons in a cone of radius $\Delta R = 0.1$     * leptons are "​dressed"​ with all photons in a cone of radius $\Delta R = 0.1$
     * at least one jet, jet selection $p_{T} > 30$ GeV and $|\eta| < 2.4$, we remove jets within a radius of $\Delta R < 0.5$ with respect to the axes of each lepton     * at least one jet, jet selection $p_{T} > 30$ GeV and $|\eta| < 2.4$, we remove jets within a radius of $\Delta R < 0.5$ with respect to the axes of each lepton
 +    * for the ratio plots a cut on Z rapidity |y|<1.4 is also applied
   * For $\gamma$ plus jets events we select:   * For $\gamma$ plus jets events we select:
-    * at least a photon with $p_{T} > 100$ GeV and $|\eta| < 1.4$ (in case there is more than one photon the leading one satisfying all cuts is used)+    * at least a prompt ​photon with $p_{T} > 100$ GeV and $|\eta| < 1.4$ (in case there is more than one photon the leading one satisfying all cuts is used)
     * the photon must be isolated, i.e. the scalar sum of the $p_T$ of all stable particle in a cone of radius $\Delta R = 0.4$ is less then 5 GeV     * the photon must be isolated, i.e. the scalar sum of the $p_T$ of all stable particle in a cone of radius $\Delta R = 0.4$ is less then 5 GeV
     * at least one jet, jet selection ​ $p_{T} > 30$ GeV and $|\eta| < 2.4$ , we remove jets within a radius of $\Delta R < 0.5$ with respect to the axis of the photon     * at least one jet, jet selection ​ $p_{T} > 30$ GeV and $|\eta| < 2.4$ , we remove jets within a radius of $\Delta R < 0.5$ with respect to the axis of the photon
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   * are scale uncertainties correlated among the two processes? ​   * are scale uncertainties correlated among the two processes? ​
   * is someone interested in having a Rivet routine which runs at parton level? ​   * is someone interested in having a Rivet routine which runs at parton level? ​
 +Comparison of LO + approx EWK (M. Chiesa et al) to CMS Z/gamma ratio: {{:​2015:​groups:​sm:​rzg1_alpgen.pdf|V +>= 1 jet}}{{:​2015:​groups:​sm:​rzg2_alpgen.pdf|V +>= 1 jet}}{{:​2015:​groups:​sm:​rzg3_alpgen.pdf|V +>= 1 jet}} 
 ===== Input parameters ===== ===== Input parameters =====
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 | alpha                    | calculated from G_mu|  calculated from G_mu                    |          1/​128.93 ​              | | alpha                    | calculated from G_mu|  calculated from G_mu                    |          1/​128.93 ​              |
 | MZ_onshell ​              | 91.1876 GeV         ​| ​ 91.1876 GeV         ​| ​         91.188 GeV             | | MZ_onshell ​              | 91.1876 GeV         ​| ​ 91.1876 GeV         ​| ​         91.188 GeV             |
-| GZ_onshell ​              | 2.4952 GeV          |  2.4952 GeV          |            0 GeV                |+| GZ_onshell ​              | 2.4952 GeV          |  2.4955 GeV          |            0 GeV                |
 | MZ_pole, GZ_pole ​        | calculated ​         |  -          |              -                  | | MZ_pole, GZ_pole ​        | calculated ​         |  -          |              -                  |
 | MW_onshell ​              | 80.385 GeV          |  80.385 GeV          |             ​80.385 GeV          | | MW_onshell ​              | 80.385 GeV          |  80.385 GeV          |             ​80.385 GeV          |
-| GW_onshell ​              | 2.085 GeV           ​| ​ 2.085 GeV           ​| ​            0 GeV               |+| GW_onshell ​              | 2.085 GeV           ​| ​ 2.0897 GeV           ​| ​            0 GeV               |
 | MW_pole, GW_pole ​        | calculated ​         |  -          |                -                | | MW_pole, GW_pole ​        | calculated ​         |  -          |                -                |
 | complex masses ​          | defined from pole masses | defined from on-shell masses ​   |                -                | | complex masses ​          | defined from pole masses | defined from on-shell masses ​   |                -                |
 | mb                       | 0 GeV               | 0 GeV                |      0 GeV                      |  ​ | mb                       | 0 GeV               | 0 GeV                |      0 GeV                      |  ​
 | mt                       | 173.2 GeV           | 173.2                |          173.3 GeV              |  ​ | mt                       | 173.2 GeV           | 173.2                |          173.3 GeV              |  ​
-| Gamma_t ​                 | 0  GeV              |                      |         ​0 ​ GeV                  | +| Gamma_t ​                 | 0  GeV              | 1.339                ​|         ​0 ​ GeV                  | 
-| MH                       | 125 GeV             ​| ​126 GeV              |     125 GeV                     | +| MH                       | 125 GeV             ​| ​125 GeV              |     125 GeV                     | 
-| Gamma_H ​                 | 0 GeV               | 4.21 MeV             ​| ​       0 GeV                    |+| Gamma_H ​                 | 0 GeV               | 4.07 MeV             ​| ​       0 GeV                    |
 | basic cuts               | pt_j > 30 GeV       | pt_j > 30 GeV        |                   ​| ​ | basic cuts               | pt_j > 30 GeV       | pt_j > 30 GeV        |                   ​| ​
 |                          | abs(y_j) < 4.5      | abs(eta_j) < 4.5       ​| ​                  ​| ​     |                          | abs(y_j) < 4.5      | abs(eta_j) < 4.5       ​| ​                  ​| ​    
-|                          | pt_l > 20 GeV       | pt_l > 20 GeV        |                   |+|                          | pt_l > 20 GeV       | pt_l > 25 GeV        |                   |
 |                          | abs(y_l) < 2.5      | abs(eta_l) < 2.5       ​| ​                  | |                          | abs(y_l) < 2.5      | abs(eta_l) < 2.5       ​| ​                  |
-|                          | dR_ll > 0.2         ​| ​dR_ll > 0.2          ​|                   | +|                          | dR_ll > 0.2         ​| ​dR_jl > 0.5                     |                   | 
-|                          | dR_jl > 0.5         ​| ​dR_jl 0.5          ​|                   | +|                          | dR_jl > 0.5         ​| ​M_TW 40  GeV         |                   | 
-|                          | 66 GeV < M_ll < 116 GeV| M_TW 20  ​GeV ​   |                   ​| ​  +|                          | 66 GeV < M_ll < 116 GeV| missing_ET ​25  ​GeV ​   |                   ​| ​  
-|                          |                     ​| ​missing_ET > 30  GeV |                   ​| ​  +|                          |                     ​| ​ |                   ​| ​  
-| cumulative histogram 1   | pT(j1) > 0.25,​0.5,​0.75,​1 TeV| pT(j1) > 1 TeV  |                   ​+| cumulative histogram 1   | pT(j1) > 0.25,​0.5,​0.75,​1 TeV| pT(j1) > 0.5, 1 TeV  | pt(H) and pt(t) and pt(tbar) > 200 GeV                 
-| cumulative histogram 2   | M_jj > 0.50,1,2,4 TeV   | missing_ET > 1 TeV                     ​| ​                  | +| cumulative histogram 2   | M_jj > 0.50,1,2,4 TeV   | missing_ET > 0.5, 1 TeV                     ​| ​pt(H) and pt(t) and pt(tbar) > 400 GeV                   | 
-| cumulative histogram 3   | pT(l-) > 0.25,​0.5,​0.75,​1 TeV| pT(l) > 1 TeV                     ​| ​                  | +| cumulative histogram 3   | pT(l-) > 0.25,​0.5,​0.75,​1 TeV| pT(l) > 0.5, 1 TeV                     ​| ​pt(H) > 500 GeV                   | 
-| cumulative histogram 4   | pT(ll) > 0.25,​0.5,​0.75,​1 TeV   ​| ​                     |                   ​+| cumulative histogram 4   | pT(ll) > 0.25,​0.5,​0.75,​1 TeV   ​| ​                     |   abs( y(t) ) > 2.5               
-| cumulative histogram 5   | HT >   ​0.50,​1,​1.5,​2 TeV     | HT >   2 TeV                     ​| ​                  |+| cumulative histogram 5   | HT >   ​0.50,​1,​1.5,​2 TeV     | HT >   0.5,1,2 TeV                     ​| ​                  |
 Alternative lljj analysis: same as above with M_ll cut replaced by the following VBF cuts: M_jj > 600 GeV; abs(y_j1-y_j2) < 4.5; y_j1 * y_j2 < 0; min(y_j1,​y_j2) < y_l < max(y_j1,​y_j2). Alternative lljj analysis: same as above with M_ll cut replaced by the following VBF cuts: M_jj > 600 GeV; abs(y_j1-y_j2) < 4.5; y_j1 * y_j2 < 0; min(y_j1,​y_j2) < y_l < max(y_j1,​y_j2).
2015/groups/sm/nloew.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/01 18:04 by vitaliano.ciulli