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2015:groups:sm:photons [2015/06/05 23:34]
2015:groups:sm:photons [2015/06/06 11:51]
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   * Leandro Cieri: Discussion topics, recall of 2013 LH studies and slides (linked to program)   * Leandro Cieri: Discussion topics, recall of 2013 LH studies and slides (linked to program)
   * Gudrun Heinrich: Recall of 2013 LH studies and plots   * Gudrun Heinrich: Recall of 2013 LH studies and plots
 +  * Ciaran Williams: triphoton and quadriphoton cross sections measurements and isolation comparisons
   * Mauro Chiesa: Isolated photon production in the POWHEG+MiNLO framework: the W \gamma example   * Mauro Chiesa: Isolated photon production in the POWHEG+MiNLO framework: the W \gamma example
 +Very interesting but timescale not compatible with LH proceedings:​
 +  * Completion of work of Jean-Philippe Guillet (with Catani, Michel Fontannaz and Eric Pilon) in JHEP09(2013)007 (1306.6498) on resumming LL dependence on isol. cone size. Implementation of resummation of ln r terms in JETPHOX for hollow-cone case should enable to compare smooth to hollow-cone and see if the difference is still O(~1%) as shown for solid-cone by Leandro in LH2013 proceedings.
 +What could be accomplished for the proceedings?​ (Blackboard discussion)
 +  * Survey of current/​planned isol. criteria used in LHC exps for direct photon measurements
 +  * to be continued....
2015/groups/sm/photons.txt ยท Last modified: 2015/07/14 08:28 by philippe.gras