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2017:groups:np:nonthermal [2017/06/20 07:40]
2017:groups:np:nonthermal [2017/09/29 15:19] (current)
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-People interested: Bryan Zaldivar, José Zurita, Jérémie Quevillon, Jose Miguel No, Nishita Desai, Julia Harz, Daniele Barducci, Dipan Sengupta+People interested: Bryan Zaldivar, José Zurita, Jérémie Quevillon, Jose Miguel No, Nishita Desai, Julia Harz, Daniele Barducci, Dipan Sengupta ​(,​ Haiying Cai, Felix Bruemmer, Andreas Goudelis, Gabriel Facini, Sezen Sekmen
 Understand the connection between freeze-in models and LLP signatures at the LHC. Is it a generic feature of freeze-in models? ​ Understand the connection between freeze-in models and LLP signatures at the LHC. Is it a generic feature of freeze-in models? ​
 +* TODO-list + description + volunteers: {{ :​2017:​groups:​np:​todo.pdf |}}
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   - Original freeze-in paper: Hall, Jedamzik, John March-Russell,​ West [[https://​​abs/​0911.1120 | arXiv ]]   - Original freeze-in paper: Hall, Jedamzik, John March-Russell,​ West [[https://​​abs/​0911.1120 | arXiv ]]
   - LLP signatures: Co, D'​Eramo,​ Hall, Pappadopulo [[https://​​abs/​1506.07532 |arxiv]] ​   - LLP signatures: Co, D'​Eramo,​ Hall, Pappadopulo [[https://​​abs/​1506.07532 |arxiv]] ​
 +  - A concrete realization of the FIMP with LLPs @ LHC, and yielding a standard cosmological history, which turns out to be complementary in DM mass range to the one we have been discussed so far: [[https://​​abs/​1405.1259 |arxiv]] [[https://​​abs/​1611.09540 |arxiv]] ​
 +  - A second realization of non-thermal DM and LLPs (appearing today) [[https://​​pdf/​1706.06815.pdf]]
 +  - MATHUSLA original paper: Chou, Curtin, Lubatti ​ [[https://​​abs/​1606.06298 |arxiv]]
 +  - MATHUSLA measurements : Curtin, Peskin [[https://​​abs/​1705.06327 |arxiv]]
 +  - BBN constraints:​ Fradette, Pospelov [[https://​​abs/​1706.01920 | arxiv]]
 Deliverables:​ Deliverables:​
-- A minimal UFO model implementing the idea (YMMV!) [[https://​​s/​088u4g1nj282ows/​​dl=0|External Link]]+- A minimal UFO model implementing the idea (YMMV!) [[https://​​s/​088u4g1nj282ows/​​dl=0|External Link]] ​-> cross section of 0.687 fb for the reference point shown in the FIMP note. For the specific final states: (+,​0),​(+,​-),​(-,​0),​(0,​0) = 0.341,​0.122,​0.113,​0.111. 
 +- Mathematica Notebook (or similar) calculating input parameters (TBD). 
 +- Note on "FIMP production via decay" by Bryan {{ :​2017:​groups:​np:​boltzmann_fimp.pdf |}} 
 +- Note on the numerical solution and a comparison with the analytical formulae {{ :​2017:​groups:​np:​boltzmann_numerical.pdf ​ |}} 
 +- Notes on the classification of signatures for freeze-in according to the quantum numbers of parent particle (and SM decay product) {{ :​2017:​groups:​np:​LLPs_classification.pdf |}}
-Mathematica Notebook computing input parameters ​(TBD).+Triggers (ATLAS): 
 +There was some discussion as to what triggers are possible for displaced leptons.  
 +  ​This talk from the LLP workshop has some hand drawn plots outlining the trigger possibilities in each region ​(pg 7-8https://​​event/​607314/​contributions/​2542332/​attachments/​1449594/​2234900/​LLP_trigger_discussion_group_summary_26april2017.key.pdf It is a bit annoying to read but it is public :p.  
 +  - For muons you can go all the way out to the MS while prompt muon triggers pick decays out to 1 cm with pT~20 GeV (this is for your general consideration,​ don't quote that in a paper, please) 
 +  - For electrons, there is no explicit d0 cut in the trigger, but I am trying to find out if there are hit level requirements such as requiring a hit on the first tracking layer which might limit the acceptance.
2017/groups/np/nonthermal.1497937250.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/20 07:40 by jose_francisco.zurita