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People interested: Bryan Zaldivar, José Zurita, Jérémie Quevillon, Jose Miguel No, Nishita Desai, Julia Harz, Daniele Barducci, Dipan Sengupta

Understand the connection between freeze-in models and LLP signatures at the LHC. Is it a generic feature of freeze-in models?


  1. Original freeze-in paper: Hall, Jedamzik, John March-Russell, West arXiv
  2. LLP signatures: Co, D'Eramo, Hall, Pappadopulo arxiv


- A minimal UFO model implementing the idea (YMMV!) External Link

- Mathematica Notebook computing input parameters (TBD).

2017/groups/np/nonthermal.1497937250.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/20 07:40 by jose_francisco.zurita