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Programme in Les Houches

(accessible to everyone, editing rights to conveners and organizers)

As is the tradition in LH, the programme will be built up on a daily basis. Here we list the schedule of the first and last days of each session + other useful information.

Room Reservation for WG meetings/discussions with boards and projectors

  • Auditorium: 70 people
  • Library: about 30 people
  • QCD Room: < = 20 people
  • (there are other smaller meeting places and corners for informal discussions)

Session 1 [12-21 June 2023]

Monday 12 June

19h30 Dinner LH Restaurant
21h00 Short meeting (conveners and organizers only) Auditorium

Tuesday 13 June

09h00-09h15 Welcome by the organizers talk organizers Auditorium
Working groups intro talks
09h15-09h55 Higgs ( TH / EXP ) Raoul Roentsch / Mauro Donega Auditorium
09h55-10h35 Jet-substructure techniques ( PDF ) Simone Marzani / Andreas Hinzmann Auditorium
10h35-11h00 Coffee break Lounge in Main Building
11h00-11h40 Techniques & calculations ( TH / EXP ) Azzurri/Huss/Huston/Pellen Auditorium
11h40-12h20 MC generators, Tools, Machine-Learning Slides Plaetzer/Mikuni Auditorium
12h30-14h45 Lunch break LH Restaurant
14h45-16h00 Round Table Everyone Auditorium
16h00-16h30 Coffee break Lounge in Main Building
16h30-18h00 W mass ( theory agnostic future ) Sarkar/Azzurri/Huss/Huston/Pellen Auditorium
19h00-19h30 Welcome Drink LH Restaurant
19h30- Dinner LH Restaurant

Wednesday 14 June

09h00-12h00 Jet flavour discussion with short talks ( Reichelt) ( Poncelet) ( Stagnitto) ( Scyboz) Wiki Reichelt / Poncelet / Stagnitto / Scyboz Auditorium
11h00-12h30 VBF studies Ferrario Ravasio / Pellen QCD room
12h30-14h00 Lunch break LH Restaurant
14h00-15h30 Status of q/g discrimination and JSS wiki Simon/Andreas/Josh Library
16h00-17h30 Uncertainty quantification for PDFs and machine learning (n614_leshouches.pdf) Pavel Auditorium
16h00-17h30 STXS CPV observables and Kappa_l Yacine/Josh QCD room
19h30- Dinner LH Restaurant

Thursday 15 June

09h00-10h00 Interpolation grids ApplFast1 ApplFast2 and HighTea Kunz / Rabbertz / Poncelet Auditorium
09h00-10h00 Unbinned cross sections unfolding ( Unfolding) Vinicius / Andrea Library
11h00-12h30 Fiducial multiboson cross sections (VBF/VBS) Azzurri/ Haddad / Pellen QCD room
11h00-12h30 Jet substructure and ML wiki Intro Loukas/Andreas/Hulin/Vinicius Auditorium
12h30-14h00 Lunch break LH Restaurant
14h00-16h00 Shower/hadronization interplay and uncertainties Josh/Simon Auditorium
16h00-18h00 Definition of EW final states and interplay with evolution Simon QCD room
19h30- Dinner LH Restaurant

Friday 16 June

09h00-11h00 Event reweighing Valassi Cell Resampler, Jeppe (Wiki Link) Vinicius/Jeppe Auditorium
11h00-12h30 Computing and infrastructure Josh/Stefan/Simon/Vinicius Auditorium
12h30-14h00 Lunch break LH Restaurant
14h00-15h30 aN3LO PDFs Cridge Giacomo (Wiki link) Tom/Giacomo/Simone Auditorium
16h00-17h00 Quick flavour fest All Flavours QCD room
17h00-18h00 EW uncertainties Huss/Pellen QCD room
19h30- Dinner LH Restaurant

Saturday 17 June

Day off

Sunday 18 June

10h00-12h00 q/g and JSS MC uncertainties, experimental feasibility of correlators ( Exp. Slides) Simon et al. Auditorium
12h30-14h00 Lunch break LH Restaurant
14h00-15h00 Update on JSS studies Simon et al. QCD room
14h00-15h30 VBF studies - follow up Ferrario Ravasio/Huston/Pellen Auditorium
15h45-16h45 Plan for shower/hadronization studies Simon et al. QCD room

Monday 19 June

9h00-10h00 Updates on interfaces Josh/Stefan/Simon Auditorium
10h00-11h20 Generators on GPUs Valassi Josh/Stefan/Andrea Auditorium
14h00-15h30 Updating the Les Houches wishlist ALL Auditorium
16h00-17h00 aN3LO PDFs for ggF - follow up Cridge/Magni slides /Huss/Jones Auditorium
17h00-18h30 Flavour update Every Flavour Beans Auditorium
19h00 Aperitif + Workshop dinner ALL restaurant

Tuesday 20 June

9h00-11h00 VBF comparison for LHCH XSWG All interested parties Auditorium
11h00-12h30 alphas measurements from the LHC: how to include in the PDG average Huston/Rabbertz Auditorium
14h00 Group picture all outside main building
14h15-15h00 Update on JSS studies Andreas et al. QCD room
16h00-18h00 Machine learning and theory: polarisation [2306.07726], uncertainties talk, … Mikuni/Pellen/Ghosh Auditorium

Wednesday 21 June

Working groups concluding talks
09h00-09h40 Techniques & calculations EXP / TH) Azzurri / Huss Auditorium
09h40-10h20 MC generators, Tools, Machine-Learning talk McFayden Auditorium
10h20-10h50 Break Lounge
10h50-11h30 Higgs slides Raoul Röntsch, Karsten Köneke Auditorium
11h30-12h10 Jet-substructure techniques Jet Flavour JSS part 2 Hinzmann/Marzani Auditorium
12h10-12h20 Farewell talk organizers Auditorium
12h20-13h30 Lunch LH Restaurant
13h30 Bus departure (for Geneva Airport and CERN) Car Park

Session 1 Ends

Session 2 [21-30 June 2023]

Wednesday 21 June

19h30 Dinner Restaurant
21h00 Short meeting (conveners and organizers only) Auditorium

Thursday 22 June

09h00-09h15 Welcome to Les Houches talk organizers Auditorium
09h15 Working groups intro talks
09h15-09h50 BSM Phenomenology at colliders talk Tamara Vazquez Schroeder/Manuel Szewc Auditorium
09h50-10h25 BSM Higgs physics talk Adinda de Wit Auditorium
10h25-11h00 Coffee break Lounge
11h00-11h35 Tools & Machine Learning ML Talk SMEFT Gregor Kasieczka / Gauthier Durieux Auditorium
11h35-12h10 Low-energy probes talk Julian Berengut, Elina Fuchs Auditorium
12h30-14h30 Lunch break Restaurant
14h30-15h30 Round Table all Auditorium
15h30-16h00 Coffee break Lounge
16h00-17h15 Group formation all Auditorium
17h30-18h00 Intro Mattermost/Wiki (all interested) Auditorium
19h00-19h30 Welcome Drink Bar
19h30 Dinner Restaurant

Friday 23 June

09h00-09h45 Low mass scalars (<125 GeV) all interested Auditorium
09h45-10h30 Reinterpretation all interested Auditorium
10h30-11h00 Coffee break Lounge
11h00-11h45 (high energy) EFT - measurement/physics issues all interested Auditorium
11h45-12h30 low-energy EFT all interested Auditorium
12h30-14h00 Lunch break Restaurant
14h00-14h45 Physics & ML all interested Auditorium
14h45-15h30 Dark showers all interested Library
14h45-15h30 Atomic symmetry tests all interested Auditorium
15h30-16h00 Coffee break Lounge
16h00-16h45 High mass scalars (>125 GeV) & VLL/VLQ all interested Auditorium
16h00-16h45 Light dark matter all interested Library
16h45-17h30 Model-agnostic searches all interested Auditorium
16h45-17h30 HH/HHH and trilinear Higgs calculations all interested Library
19h30 Dinner Restaurant
20h45-22h00 “Sunset lecture”: Atomic EDMs Jacinda Ginges, Sebastian Lahs Auditorium

Saturday 24 June

9h00-10h30 Low mass scalars (<125 GeV) contact: Andreas Crivellin Auditorium
9h00-09h45 EFT + PDF contact: Maria Ubiali QCD Room
9h00-10h30 P/CP in muonic atoms contact: Julian Berengut Outside
9h45-10h30 Precision BSM talk contact: Michael Spira Library
10h30-11h00 Coffee break Lounge
11h00-11h45 High Mass Scalars: Pair Production contact: Giacomo Cacciapaglia QCD room
11h00-11h45 Low-energy EFT, Kostelecky/SME Auditorium
11h00-11h45 Recast Lorentz/CP Violation by DM background contact: Di Liu Library
11h00-11h45 Machine Learning 4 EFT contact: A.Glioti & J.ter Hoeve Auditorium
11h47-12h23 Emerging jet tagging contact: Jose Zurita QCD Room
12h30-14h00 Lunch break Restaurant
19h30 Dinner Restaurant
21h30 LH song by the piano

Sunday 25 June

Day off… enjoy the area!
(No lunch at the restaurant, picnic boxes can be picked up from 9h00 at the restaurant)

Dinner as usual at 19h30 (please be back on time)

Monday 26 June

9h00-09h45 Generative Models contact: A.Coccaro & R.Torre Library
9h00-09h45 EFTs for low-mass diphoton excesses contact: A. Crivellin Auditorium
9h00-10h30 PV in muonic atoms Julian Berengut, Elina Fuchs Outside and Sofa
9h45-10h30 Associated Higgs production and Z → bb X contact: A. Crivellin Auditorium
9h45-10h30 Energy Correlators contact: Marc Riembau QCD Room
10h30-11h00 Coffee break Lounge
11h00-11h45 ML Reinterpretation S.Sezen & P.Tomasz Library
11h00-11h45 On-shell EFT brainstorming contact: Gauthier Durieux Auditorium
11h00-11h45 Lorentz/CP Violation by DM background Di Liu QCD Room
11h45-12h30 Physics input to ML contact: Jan Kieseler QCD Room
11h45-12h30 Precision BSM discussion contact: Michael Spira Library
12h30-14h00 Lunch break Restaurant
14h00-15h00 Low-energy EFT dictionary input talk by Diego Blas + discussion Auditorium
14h00-15h00 HHH triple Higgs contact: Carlo Pandini Library
14h00-14h45 Different / multi-final state anomalies (blackboard) contact: Gregor QCD Room
14h45-15h30 EFT Searches contact: Admir Greljo QCD Room
15h30-16h00 Coffee break Lounge
16h00-16h45 Intro to Model Agnostic Searches Andrea/Gregor Auditorium
16h00-17h30 Atomic searches for light new particles Julian Berengut, Elina Fuchs Library
17h00-17h45 LLP reinterpretation Andre Lessa QCD Room
19h30 Dinner Restaurant
20h45-22h00 “Sunset lecture”: Atomic Parity Violation Ben Roberts Auditorium

Tuesday 27 June

9h00-09h45 Light scalar in $Z \to \gamma A$ contact: G.Cacciapaglia Auditorium
9h00-10h30 PV in muonic atoms Julian Berengut Outside and Sofa
9h00-09h45 Generative models contact: A.Coccaro & R.Torre QCD Room
9h46-10h29 Emerging jet tagging contact: Jose Zurita QCD Room
9h45-10h30 Scalar Jamboree contact: A. Crivellin Auditorium
9h45-10h30 On-shell EFT brainstorming contact: Gauthier Durieux Library + announcement blackboard
10h30-11h00 Coffee break Lounge
11h00-11h45 ML Reinterpretation contact: Sezen & Tomasz QCD Room
11h15-12h00 Dirac equation toy calculation for muonic atoms Julian, Fiona, Dipan, Elina Sofa
11h45-12h30 Anomalies with multiple final states Louis Moureaux QCD Room
12h30-14h00 Lunch break Restaurant
13h45-14h30 Hands-on: EFT in Vjj search (MC) contact: A. De Wit, T. Vazquez Schroeder QCD Room
14h30-15h00 Higgs Naturalness Brainstorming contact: R. D'Agnolo QCD Room
15h00-15h30 Low-energy EFT dictionary: task assignment contact: Elina Fuchs Auditorium
15h30-16h00 Coffee break Lounge
16h00-16h45 Model-agnostic searches without bump hunts contact: Gaia Grosso and Manuel Sommerhalder Auditorium
16h00-17h00 Atomic tests of NP (e.g. quadrupole interactions) contact: Sebastian Lahs, Di Liu et al Library
16h45-17h30 Energy Correlators contact: Marc Riembau QCD Room
17h30-18h00 Tutorial: Generative models: normalizing flows contact: Sung Hak Lim Colab config. Masked Autogregressive Flows (MAF) Continuous Normalizing Flows (CNF) Library
19h30 Dinner Restaurant
20h45-22h00 “Sunset lecture”: What's left of the B-anomalies G. Isidori Auditorium

Wednesday 28 June

9h00-10:30 Scalar jamboree++ (95) contacts: G. Cacciapaglia, A. Crivellin Auditorium
9h00-9h45 Generative Models contact: A.Coccaro & R.Torre QCD Room
9h00-10:30 NP in Z propagator for APV in muonic atoms contacts: Gino, Dipan, Fiona, Elina et al Sofa
9h45-10h30 EFT + PDF contact: Manuel and Luca QCD Room
10h30-11h00 Coffee break Lounge
11h00-11h45 Energy Correlators contact: Marc Riembau QCD Room
11h00-11h45 ML Reinterpretation contact: Sezen & Tomasz Auditorium
11h00-12h00 HHH triple Higgs paper contact: Carlo Pandini Library
12h30-14h00 Lunch break Restaurant
14h00-14h45 Precision BSM discussion contact: Michael Spira Library
14h00-14h45 On-shell EFT and more contact: Gauthier Durieux QCD room
14h45-16h00 MC for Vjj EFT search Lounge
15h30-16h00 Coffee break Lounge
16h00-16h45 Tutorial: GAMBIT talk contact: Are Raklev Library
18h00-19h00 “Pre-gala lecture”: Atomic and nuclear clocks Julian Berengut Auditorium
19h30 Workshop dinner Restaurant

Thursday 29 June

9h00-09:45 NP in Z propagator for APV in muonic atoms contacts: Gino et al (PP) Sofa
9h00-09:45 Lonely Jets contacts: Jose Zurita QCD Room
9h00-09h45 On-shell EFT and more contact: Gauthier Durieux Auditorium
9h45-10:30 Atomic Parity Violation contacts: Julian, Natalia et al (PP+AP) Sofa
9h45(+15-1)-10:30 Anomalies with multiple final states (working meeting) (blackboard) contact: Louis Moureaux QCD Room
10h30-11h00 Coffee break Lounge
11h00-11h45 Low-energy EFT dictionary contact: Elina Fuchs Auditorium
11h45-12h30 Tutorial: Matchete Git contact: Julie Pagès Library
12h30-14h00 Lunch break Restaurant
13h55 Group picture Outside main building
14h00-14h30 Tutorial: Generative models: diffusion models contact: Sung Hak Lim score-based diffusion models Library
14h30-15h30 More on Higgs Naturalness contact: Raffaele D'Agnolo Auditorium
15h30-16h00 Coffee break Lounge
16h00-17h30 TOPE + Quadrupole dark matter contact: Sebastian Lahs, Di Liu et al Library
16h00-17h30 Anomalies with multiple final states (blackboard) contact: Louis Moureaux QCD/ML Room
16h00-16h30 gGMm + composite models + cascade decays contact: A.Crivellin Auditorium
16h30-17h00 Associated $\gamma\gamma$ production contact: A.Crivellin Auditorium
17h30-18h00 $Z\to\gamma A$ contact: G.Cacciapaglia Auditorium
18h00-18h30 Composite scalars vademecum contact: G.Cacciapaglia Auditorium
19h30 Dinner Restaurant

Friday 30 June

Please vacate your rooms by 9h00am – luggage can be brought to the main building

09h00-12h00 Working groups concluding talks Slides
10h30-11h00 Coffee break Lounge
12h00-12h20 Farewell organizers Auditorium
12h30-13h30 Lunch Restaurant
14h00 Bus departure (for Geneva Airport and CERN)

Session 2 Ends

2023/programme.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/24 11:24 by andre.lessa