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Input Parameters

  • GF = 1.16638e-5
  • mW = 80.351971594491
  • GW = 2.0842988936726
  • mZ = 91.153480619183
  • GZ = 2.4942663787728
  • MH = ? (for WH)
  • mb = ? (for WH)

V + flavoured jet study

NNLO (massless) and NLO+PS studies for Z+b and Z+c production (will adopt same selections cuts and binning for both processes).

  • off-shell Z → mu+ mu-
  • pT(Z) > 20 GeV (for generation cuts of event sample, to be jet-algo agnostic)
  • central scale choice E_T(Z) = sqrt(m(mu+mu-)^2 + pT(mu+mu-)^2)
  • mu+ & mu- with pT(mu) > 20 GeV, |y(mu)| < 2.4 and 71 GeV < m(mu+mu-) < 111 GeV

Fiducial cuts, observables & binning

We will adapt the same analysis (selection cuts + histogram binning) as in the 8 TeV CMS measurement HEPData, Rivet. Note the additional “generation cut” ptz > 20 GeV and that we'll perform our study at 13 TeV.

WH (H->bb) study

Fixed-order NNLO predictions with and without bottom-quark masses. Idea: study how large the log(mb) are in different kinematic regimes and how differences in flavour tagging impact observables.

Parameters of the algorithms

  • IFN with alpha = 2 (→ omega = 1)
  • GHS alpha = 1.0; beta = 1.0; zcut = 0.1; Rcut = 0.1; omega = 2.0;
  • SDFlav with zcut = 0.1; beta = 1;
  • CMP_Omega with a = 0.1
2023/groups/smjets/flavoured-jets/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/18 10:54 by simone.caletti