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2017:groups:np:vlq [2017/06/21 09:45]
2017:groups:np:vlq [2017/06/22 16:31] (current)
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   * The case of a light scalar: M. Chala, [[https://​​abs/​1705.03013]]   * The case of a light scalar: M. Chala, [[https://​​abs/​1705.03013]]
   * Table of decays and final states, 2015 proceedings [[https://​​abs/​1605.02684]] p 63   * Table of decays and final states, 2015 proceedings [[https://​​abs/​1605.02684]] p 63
-  * Simplified model with Spin 0 - Tt, (T-> Wb,Zh,th) where T is singlet top partner. https://​​prd/​abstract/​10.1103/​PhysRevD.95.035039. Possibility of KK gluon also discussed. ​+   
 The tables: The tables:
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 If new states are lighter, they can also be heavier and affect production, see [[2017:​groups:​np:​zptovlq|Exotics decay of heavy bosons in VLQs]] If new states are lighter, they can also be heavier and affect production, see [[2017:​groups:​np:​zptovlq|Exotics decay of heavy bosons in VLQs]]
 +JoAnne, Tom, Gabriel, Tetiana, Benjamin, Gustaaf
2017/groups/np/vlq.1498031111.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/21 09:45 by abhishek.iyer