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2019:groups:higgs:start [2019/05/29 11:45]
kenneth.lane [Higgs: new physics. Session 2]
2019:groups:higgs:start [2019/06/21 19:27] (current)
adam.falkowski [Working Group Pages (Session 2)]
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 ==== SM Issues (Session 1)==== ==== SM Issues (Session 1)====
         * Parton shower and underlying event related systematics in Higgs measurements for signal and background (together with Loops,​Multilegs,​Jets)         * Parton shower and underlying event related systematics in Higgs measurements for signal and background (together with Loops,​Multilegs,​Jets)
         * Prospect of quark/gluon jet tagging for VBF (synergy with Jets session)         * Prospect of quark/gluon jet tagging for VBF (synergy with Jets session)
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         * EFT description of Higgs production         * EFT description of Higgs production
 +==== Working Group Pages (Session 1) ====
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​STXS | STXS Topics ]]
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​hheft | HH EFT Combination ]]
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​massuncert | HJ/HH/ZH/H* Mass Scheme Uncertainties ]]
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​hjpt | HJ PT Predictions (Fiducial) ]]
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​higgseft | H EFT ]]
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​ggzh | gg->ZH + 0/1 Jet ]]
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​ttV EW | ttV EW corrections ]]
 +==== Working Group Pages (Session 2) ====
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​seminvisible | Exotic Higgs decays (visible and semi-visible)]]
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​doublebeyond | Double Higgs production beyond the SMEFT]]
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​lightscalars | Light scalars]]
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​gildener | Gildener-Weinberg]]
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​stxsbsm | STXS BSM]]
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​hhmet | Double Higgs + MET]]
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​sigbackg | Signal and Background contamination by BSM]]
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​nonhiggs | Non-Higgs signals of Higgs couplings ]]
 +       * [[ 2019:​groups:​higgs:​validity | EFT validity]]
 ====Higgs: new physics. Session 2 ==== ====Higgs: new physics. Session 2 ====
 +    * Collider probes of H parameter
 +    * Ultimate automated one loop matching
 +    * Higgs couplings vs VV scattering as a probe of new physics
 +    * Higgs CP violating couplings to lighter fermions  ​
 +    * Standardization of sharing BSM predictions for observables ​
 +    * LFV Higgs to 4 leptons ​  
 +    * STXS: usefulness of different binning from BSM models point of view
 +    * Higgs Precision vs Direct Detection of new physics
     * Higgs pairs: lambda_HHH from single & double; ​     * Higgs pairs: lambda_HHH from single & double; ​
     * Natural Higgs alignment, low upper limits on new Higgs masses, and non-SM multi-H couplings in the Gildener-Weinberg scheme.     * Natural Higgs alignment, low upper limits on new Higgs masses, and non-SM multi-H couplings in the Gildener-Weinberg scheme.
2019/groups/higgs/start.1559123107.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/05/29 11:45 by kenneth.lane