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2021:topics [2021/01/20 21:39]
joey.huston [Session 1]
2021:topics [2021/02/09 10:56] (current)
fabrizio.caola [Session 1]
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 **__Techniques and calculations for SM phenomenology:​__** **__Techniques and calculations for SM phenomenology:​__**
-    ​* Calculations:​  +` *  Calculations:​  
-     ​* expected precision for fundamental Standard Model processes at 14 and 100 TeV; what calculations are needed to match this precision?​ +    * expected precision for fundamental Standard Model processes at 14 and 100 TeV; what calculations are needed to match this precision?​ 
-     ​* 2->3 at NNLO; status/​challenges/​prospects +    * 2->3 at NNLO; status/​challenges/​prospects 
-     ​* theory uncertainties;​ more rigorous estimates? correlations?​ +    * theory uncertainties;​ more rigorous estimates? correlations?​ 
-     ​* theoretically sound definition of FONLL at the differential level, beyond incl. cross sections?+    * theoretically sound definition of FONLL at the differential level, beyond incl. cross sections?
   * PDFs:    * PDFs: 
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     * MSbar vs on-shell     * MSbar vs on-shell
     * ttW; tension; can new calculations resolve it?      * ttW; tension; can new calculations resolve it? 
-  * Monte Carlo: ​ 
-    * improvements to ME+PS accuracy, both logarithmic and fixed order; benchmarking to understand the roles of each, testing of log-enhanced terms (using LEP data?); impact of power corrections,​ e.g. induced by recoil schemes 
-    * non-perturbative corrections;​ why are these uncertainties dominant in so many LHC analyses; can this situation be improved? 
-    * improving/​extending NNLO+PS 
-    * review of EW parton showers/​heavy gauge boson radiation, at LHC and 100 TeV; partial compensation of virtual EW Sudakov logs. 
   * Jets:    * Jets: 
     * flavor tagging of jets; matching what theorists can predict (IR safety) and what experimentalists can measure     * flavor tagging of jets; matching what theorists can predict (IR safety) and what experimentalists can measure
 +**__Monte Carlo:__**
 +    * Non-perturbative uncertainties
 +      * common hadronisation interface and variations
 +      * theoretical understanding
 +      * differences in tuned comparisons
 +      * pheno impact for certain classes of processes (e.g. VBF/VBS)
 +    * Shower accuracy studies
 +      * comparing different schemes on higher orders, evaluate phenomenological impact
 +      * Subleading colour and interplay with colour reconnection
 +      * New sampling methods and algorithms versus machine learning techniques
 +      * Accuracy of merging resummed calculation versus ME+PS paradigms
 +    * Photon physics, modelling of fragmentation
 +    * Heavy flavour matching
 +      * review of existing measurements
 +      * Connecting precision calculation,​ fragmentation and decays
 +      * partons at 100 TeV
 +    * Common LHC event bazaar
 +    * Status and needs for electroweak corrections and radiation in shower algorithms
 +    * Machine learning and adaptive Monte Carlo methods
 +**__SM Higgs Topics:__**
 +    * ggF
 +      * N3LO PDFs, small-x
 +      * EW corrections
 +      * cuts/​differential distributions
 +    * B-quark issues
 +      * Ttbb, V+HF, VH
 +      * 4FNS vs 5FNS: bbH, t/H/Z+j QCD EW…
 +      * Flavour jet algo\
 +    * ggVV
 +      * Massive results [if we’ll have them, probably yes]
 +    * VBF
 +      * Factor vs non-factor: TH vs EXP discussion on cuts etc (especially Run3)
 +    * Jet-ology
 +      * NNLO+NLO res, VH+J, NNLO+decay & fiducial studies
 +    * HH
 +      * EFTs, H vs HH
 +    * In general, EFT fits etc
 +    * Exp vs theory efficient information exchange
 +      * Likelihood, discriminators as black box
 +      * Differential distribution. TH insight for measurements… ​
 +    * PS issues (SLC, higher logs…, liaise with QCD)
 +    * New opportunity for Run3 (unexplored regions, != cuts etc)
 +    * STXS
 +      * for decays - binned proposal ​
 +    * FO/Boosted
 +      * NLO-Improved NNLO HTL predictions for gg → H(→yy)+Jet in the fiducial region, experimental sensitivity to different decay channels as a function of pt
 +      * Mixed QCD-EW contributions to higgs (e.g. 2010.09451, 2007.09813)
 +    *  Backgrounds
 +      * Predictions+uncertainty models for backgrounds to ttH production: tt+HF, ggH+HF, tt+V, previous proposal was to estimate ttV EW correction in different phase space regions
 +    * 4FS/5FS
 +      * bbar -> higgs (e.g. 2004.04752)
 +      * tHj tZj QCD+EW (e.g. 2006.10086),​ various 4FS/5FS matching issues to consider
 +    * Showers
 +      * New showers, subleading-colour issues with parton showers and possible effects on Higgs physics (PanSccales 2011.10054; Forshaw, Plätzer et al 2003.06400, 2007.09648, 2011.15087, 2012.15215)
 ==== Session 2 ==== ==== Session 2 ====
2021/topics.1611175163.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/20 21:39 by joey.huston