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The idea is to compare the latest version of all generators to be able to see what the current status of the predictions is. So far, this has never been done for top pair production, including multi-jet merging.
The set-up is the following:
Rikkert Frederix:
Simone Alioli: POWHEG+Pythia8 ttbar+0,1jet, with MinLo
Stefan Prestel:
Marek Schoenherr:
Christian Reuschle:
Note: the ttbar comparisons shown on the mcplots.cern.ch site may also be of interest and/or provide sanity checks:
Existing CMS rivet routines for ttbar
Available CMS Monte Carlo samples:
with NNPDF30NLO (5 flavour, alphas=0.118), top mass=172.5 GeV, TuneCUETP8M1 (Tune:ee 7, Tune:pp 18)
Powheg+Pythia8.205 ttbar card:
madgraph_aMC@NLO+Pythia8.205 0,1,2 jets NLO merged cards:
From CMS
A Rivet routine enables to get distributions for all the observables listed above, CMS_AN_PseudoTop.cc, which is making use of a helping class, PseudoTop.cc and PseudoTop.hh.
This routine has been run for Powheg + Herwig++ on the one hand, and Powheg + Pythia 8 on the other hand. Distributions are gathered here, while .yoda
files can be found here for Powheg + Herwig++ and there for Powheg + Pythia 8. Lepton and ttbar asymmetries and the gap fraction are represented with respect to the ttbar-system mass. In average, they are:
Powheg + Herwig++ | Powheg + Pythia 8 | |
Lepton asymmetry | 0.0036 | 0.0006 |
ttbar asymmetry | 0.007 | 0.005 |
Gap fraction | 0.436 | 0.444 |