Table of Contents
STXS Topics
Define and test binning options for ttH (and tH) production
Define and test pT and jet bins for ggH production > pT=200 GeV
Define and test CP-sensitive binning options for VBF
EW corrections in STXS bins
Define and test options for Higgs decay measurements
STXS Topics
Discussion meeting 12th June with LHC H XS WG2
Define and test binning options for ttH (and tH) production
TODO: to be filled in
Interested Participants
Hongtao Yang
Josh McFayden
Julie Malcles (not in Les Houches)
Maria Morena Llacer
Define and test pT and jet bins for ggH production > pT=200 GeV
TODO: to be filled in
Interested Participants
Frank Tackmann
Johannes Michel
Valerio Dao
Xuan Chen
[Htautau] Carlo Pandini, Antonio De Maria (remotely)
Define and test CP-sensitive binning options for VBF
TODO: to be filled in
Interested Participants
Paolo Francavilla
Yacine Haddad
EW corrections in STXS bins
TODO: to be filled in
Interested Participants
Valerio Dao
Yacine Haddad
Define and test options for Higgs decay measurements
TODO: to be filled in
Interested Participants
Michael Duehrssen
Nicolas Berger
Lorenzo Viliani