Table of Contents


Analysis Description Language (ADL)

Develop a domain-specific language capable of describing the contents of an LHC analysis in a standard and unambiguous way.

Link to Sezen's presentation

HSF Gitter forum for discussions: ADL

ADL-related projects/discussions in Les Houches:

Parsing/interpreting tools for the current ADL:

Quantifying overlaps between analysis search regions using ADLs

Members: Sezen, Wolfgang (, Harrison)

Find and visualize overlaps in a model-independent way, without generating events. Directly sample the event selection. Useful for analysis design phase, or quick comparisons within experiments (e.g. Run2 CMS SUSY pMSSM combination)

ADLs for recasting

Members: Sezen, (Harrison, Gokhan as parser developers)

The ADL file and the external function fMtautau are given below for the CMS soft dilepton analysis considered in the LH19 recasting comparison

The ADL file

info analysis
  title "Search for new physics in events with two soft oppositely charged leptons and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at sqrts = 13 TeV "
  experiment CMS
  id SUS-16-048
  publication Phys. Lett. B 782 (2018) 440
  sqrtS 13.0
  lumi 35.9
  arXiv 1801.01846
  doi 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.05.062
object muons
  take Muon
  select pT [] 3.5 30
  select abs(eta) < 2.4
  # ID/iso efficiencies already folded into efficiencies provided by CMS:
object electrons
  take Electron
  select pT [] 3.5 30
  select abs(eta) < 2.5
  # ID/iso efficiencies already folded into efficiencies provided by CMS:
object leptons
  take electrons
  take muons
object jets
  take Jet
  select pT > 25  
  select abs(Eta) < 2.4
object bjets
  take jets
  select BTag == 1
object MET
  take MissingET
define dilepton = leptons[0] + leptons[1]
define dielectron = electrons[0] + electrons[1]
define dimuon = muons[0] + muons[1]
define HT = sum(jets.pT)
define MTl1 = sqrt( 2*leptons[0].pT * MET.MET*(1-cos(MET.phi - leptons[0].phi )))
define MTl2 = sqrt( 2*leptons[1].pT * MET.MET*(1-cos(MET.phi - leptons[1].phi )))
define Mtautau = fMtautau(leptons[0], leptons[1], MET)
# Dimuon selection
# This selection follows the cutflow table in LH recasting twiki
region CharginoDimuonPresel
  weight xsec 0.688016
  select size(muons) == 2
  select muons[0].pT [] 5 30
  select muons[0].charge * muons[1].charge == -1
  select dimuon.pT > 3 
  select dimuon.mass [] 4 50
  select dimuon.mass ][ 9 10.5
  select MET.MET [] 125 200
  weight trigger 0.65
  select size(jets) >= 0
  select size(jets) >= 1
  select HT > 100
  select (MET.MET / HT) [] 0.6 1.4
  select size(bjets) == 0
  select Mtautau ][ 0 160 
  select MTl1 < 70 and MTl2 < 70
# Additional selections from the analysis (not included in the recast study)
# Dilepton preselection
#region DileptonPresel
  # This selection follows Table 1 in the paper 
  # (for the time being, except for the isolation criteria)
#  select size(leptons) == 2
#  select size(electrons) == 2 or size(muons) == 2
#  select leptons[0].charge * leptons[1].charge == -1
#  select leptons[0].pT > 5
#  select leptons[1].pT > 5
#  select size(bjets) == 0
#  select size(electrons) == 2 or size(muons) == 2 ? mass(dilepton) [] 4 9 : mass(dilepton) [] 10.5 50
#  select dilepton.pT > 3
#  select size(muons) == 2 ? MET.pT > 125 : MET.pT > 200
#  select MET.pT / HT [] 0.6 1.4
#  select HT > 100
#  select MTl1 < 70 and MTl2 < 70
# Dielectron selection
#region CharginoDielectronPresel
# This selection follows the cutflow table in the twiki
#  select size(electrons) == 2
#  select electrons[0].pT [] 5 30
#  select electrons[0].charge * electrons[1].charge == -1
#  select dielectron.pT > 3 
#  select dielectron.mass [] 4 9 or dielectron.mass [] 10.5 50
#  reject dielectron.mass [] 9 10.5
#  select MET.pT [] 125 200
#  select MET.pT / HT [] 0.6 1.4
#  select size(jets) >= 1
#  select HT > 100
#  select size(bjets) == 0
#  reject Mtautau [] 0 160 
#  select MTl1 < 70 and MTl2 < 70
# Stop dimuon preselection
#region StopDimuonPresel
#  # This selection follows the cutflow table in the twiki
#  select size(muons) == 2
#  select muons[0].pT [] 5 30
#  select muons[0].charge * muons[1].charge == -1
#  select dimuon.pT > 3 
#  select dimuon.mass [] 4 50
#  reject dimuon.mass [] 9 10.5
#  select MET.pT [] 125 200
#  select MET.pT / HT [] 0.6 1.4
#  select size(jets) >= 1
#  select HT > 100
#  select size(bjets) == 0
#  reject Mtautau [] 0 160

The external function Mtautau

  // Find m(tautau) for boosted taus with alligned decay products.
  // For leptons l1, l2 and neutrino(s) nu1, nu2 coming from tau1, tau2 decays,
  // collinearity implies p(nu1) = a * p(l1), p(nu2) = b * p(l2)
  //   1) Use the constraint from MET to find a and b
  //   2) Compute nu and tau momenta
  //   3) Find the ditau invariant mass
  // Suggested in arXiv:1401.1235 , used in CMS SUS-16-048
  // Coded by S. Sekmen
  double fMtautau(TLorentzVector& lep1, TLorentzVector& lep2, TLorentzVector& met){
    double px1 = lep1.Px();
    double py1 = lep1.Py();
    double px2 = lep2.Px();
    double py2 = lep2.Py();
    double metx = met.Px();
    double mety = met.Py();
    // Compute the solution of the two coupled equations:
    //     metx = a * px1 + b * px2
    //     mety = a * py1 + b * py2
    // for a and b:
    double a = (metx * py2 - mety * px2) / (px1 * py2 - py1 * px2);
    double b = (metx * py1 - mety * px1) / (px2 * py1 - py2 * px1);
   // Neutrino vectors
    TLorentzVector nu1, nu2;
    nu1.SetPxPyPzE(a*px1, a*py1, 0., sqrt(a*px1 * a*px1 + a*py1 * a*py1));
    nu2.SetPxPyPzE(b*px2, b*py2, 0., sqrt(b*px2 * b*px2 + b*py2 * b*py2));
    // Reconstruct the taus from leptons and neutrinos
    TLorentzVector tau1 = lep1 + nu1;
    TLorentzVector tau2 = lep2 + nu2;
    // Reconstruct the Z from Z --> tau tau
    TLorentzVector Z = tau1 + tau2;
    return Z.M();