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Recasting/fastsim comparison

Members: Ben F, Andy B, Sezen S, Jon B, R. Ruiz, Anders K, Are R., Nishita D., Philippe G., Tomas G., Jack Araz

  • Finish comparisons on particularly leptonic channels and busy environments
    • Benj: The analysis is now implemented, but not yet validated, in MA5. Are there common events available somewhere (google drive or CERNBox)?
  • Comparisons between MA5 (Delphes/Superfast)/Rivet/CheckMATE/ColliderBit
  • Compressed SUSY: ATLAS soft dilepton + soft tracks? ATLAS-CONF-2019-014?
  • CMS Razor (Sezen)

Recast comparison with CMS SUS-16-048

We'll use the published version of CMS SUS-16-048:

Our benchmark point will be the (150,142.5) test point from CMS, i.e. degenerate and pure wino Chi20/Chi+1 at 150 GeV, and a pure bino Chi10 at 142.5 GeV.

The CMS signal simulation uses Pythia (8.212) to decay the Chi20 and Chi1+. They assume SM branching ratios for the resulting virtual Z and W, but take into account the Breit-Wigner shapes. To make this work in Pythia we assume that they have adjusted the “23:mMin” and “24:mMin” settings. We'll try with

  • 23:mMin = 1
  • 24:mMin = 1

→ values used by CMS: 23:mMin = 24:mMin = 0.1

SLHA file: cms_150_143_slha.txt

250k events will be produced and stored in HepMC format:

Dropbox link to event file (~4.5 GB zipped): tag_1_pythia8_events.hepmc.gz

Preliminary ColliderBit results: colliderbit_preliminary_results.txt

Preliminary MadAnalysis 5 results: MA5-results

Preliminary Rivet results: rivet_preliminary_results.txt

ADL results (usinng adl2tnm or CutLang): cmssus16048_adlresults.txt

Delphes card used for the ADL exercise, where efficiencies from the CMS public lepton efficiency plots provided by the analysis were implemented on the default Delphes CMS PileUp card: delphes_card_cms_pileup_sus-16-048.tcl.txt

Cut flow table

Comparing ATLAS and CMS soft dilepton analysis preselections: Sezen's slides

Comparison with experiment simulation software

CMS software (simulation and reconstruction) is public and can be used to be compared with results from Delphes and smearing-based simulation.

Events will be stored in Delphes format.

Analysis description using the ADL

Implemented the analysis using a domain specific analysis description language approach:

Link to the analysis description file

Link to the fMtautau external function

Interpretation of the language done by adl2tnm and CutLang.

Tasks and responsabilities

Project contact: Anders K.

Task Responsible
Sample production Roberto R.
Cutflow numbers from Gambit Anders K. + Tomas G.
Cutflow numbers from MA5 Benjamin F., Jack Araz
Cutflow numbers from CheckMate Nishita D.
Cutflow numbers from Rivet Andy B.
Cutflow numbers with CMS simulation + CheckMate Philippe + Nishita
Cutflow description with ADL, numbers from adl2tnm, CutLang Sezen
2019/groups/tools/recastcmp.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/14 18:09 by sezen.sekmen