This series of Workshops aims at bringing together theorists and experimentalists working on the phenomenology of the TeV colliders with an emphasis on the physics at the LHC. The Workshops have also been a forum for the physics at the Tevatron, HERA and the Linear Collider. The series gives as much attention to progress in new techniques for the simulation of Standard Model processes as well as to the latest developments concerning new mechanisms of symmetry breaking and the New Physics. With the discovery of a Higgs-like signal in July 2012 this aspect takes on a whole new perspective. The interdependence between the signals from the New Physics and their respective backgrounds has always been stressed. Studies are conducted within 3 to 4 Working Groups covering these various aspects of collider physics. In addition an inter-group dedicated to Tools and Monte Carlos is set up. This inter-group liaises with all WG with the task of incorporating some of the issues and new techniques developed in these groups in view of improving Monte Carlos and setting standards and accords among the simulation codes to better meet the experimental needs.
One of the most appreciated originality of the Workshop is that it runs over a whole year with the meeting in Les Houches, usually in May or June for 2 or 3 weeks, being the central point of the Workshop. In addition to the Working Group activities, a few lectures and review talks are planned. Most of the time is dedicated to collaborations, intense discussions and brain storming. Talks by participants are kept to a minimum unless they are informal presentations in the discussion groups.
Due to space limitation in Les Houches, attendance to the meeting is limited to 70 participants at any given point.
Les Houches School for Physics is located in the French Alps, about an hour from Geneva and an hour from Annecy. The School has a tradition of organising Schools, Workshops and Conferences for more than five decades now and boasts an excellent library.
The following map shows how the chalets are scattered around the Ecole des Houches.
The Chalets
Cécile DeWitt (Previously Jacassière): Main Building, Auditorium, Library, Administration |
Les Balmes: restaurant |
Alpens |
Ceutrons et Broula |
Chalet Troll |
Chardonnet |
Econtres |
Chavanne |
To contact members of the organising committee or the secretariat of the Workshop
- send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Phone: [+33] 4 50 09 16 84 (outside France); 04 50 09 16 84 (within France)
During the period of the meeting, it is advisable to contact the centre
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Phone: [+33] 4 57 04 10 40 (outside France); 04 57 04 10 40 (within France)
from Monday to Friday at office hours.
Emergency numbers, only reachable during the meeting, outside office hours:
[+33] 6 87 82 87 83 from outside France or 06 87 82 87 83 within France.
LAPTh - Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique Théorique
9 Chemin de Bellevue
BP 110
F-74941 Annecy-le-Vieux CEDEX
Téléphone : +33 (0)4 50 09 16 84
TVA : FR40180089013 - SIRET : 180089013 04298
CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
3, rue Michel-Ange
75794 Paris cedex 16
Téléphone : +33 1 44 96 40 00
Télécopie : +33 1 44 96 53 90
Publishers and managing editors : the directors of INP, CNRS, UdS and LAPTh.
Hébergeur : CNRS - LAPP/LAPTh
CMS Software: Joomla (with LAPTh template)
Photos: LAPTh