HomeHomeSeparator Year 2013 Registration


Registration Guidelines

•  Registration deadline: 15 February 2013

•  Planning to contribute to the Workshop activities without attending the Les Houches meeting? Then fill only Part A and submit

•  Planning to also attend the Les Houches meeting? Then fill both of Parts A and B, and submit

•  The deadline of 15 Feb 2013 applies to both cases

•  Registration entitles you to have an account to contribute to the wiki pages of the Les Houches Working Groups

•  Some fields are mandatory, i. e. if they are not filled the application will be void. These fields are marked (*).

•  Please take the time to carefully fill the application form: the Les Houches Centre can only accommodate about 70 people. Applications for attending the Meeting will be reviewed in the second half of February

•  After successful registration, you will receive a confirmation mail. If after having sent your registration you wanted to change a particular entry (provided it is not your name!), you would have to re-register and fill in all the entries. All previous information concerning your first registration will be deleted.


Family Name (*)
First Name (*)
Institute (*)
e-Mail (*)
Postal  Address (*)
Postal(Zip) Code (*)
City (*)
Country (*)


Working Groups (*)
Please indicate which Working Group(s) you are joining. Registration requires that you choose at least one working group.  
WG (*)
SM and NLO Multi-leg
Tools and Monte Carlos
New Physics (BSM)

If needed, you can see the structure of the WGs  here.

Topics (*)
Which topics will you be working on?   
Will you attend the Meeting in Les Houches? :  (*)  Yes [then proceed to Part B]   No 
Comments and suggestions for those filling PART A only :


(for those planning to attend the Les Houches meeting)

•  To allow more people to attend the meeting in Les Houches, the meeting will be split into two sessions of 10 days each. In general, priority will be given to those who intend to stay for the whole length of one of the sessions. Exceptionally, shorter stays or attendance to both sessions may be accepted.

•  Session I: Monday 3 June 2013 to Wednesday 12 June 2013: Arrival expected on Monday 3 June 2013 (afternoon). Departure on Wednesday 12 June 2013 after lunch.

•  Session II: Wednesday 12 June 2013 to Friday 21 June 2013: Arrival on Wednesday 12 June 2013 (late afternoon). Departure on Friday 21 June 2013 after lunch.

•  Note that:
The SM and NLO Multi-leg working group only takes place from June 3 to June 12 (session I)
The New Physics working group only takes place from June 12 to 21 (session II)

•  The total fee (including full board and lodging) amounts to 850 Euros per participant, and it covers the duration of one 10-days session (3 June to 12 June or 12 June to 21 June). This sum must be payed upon arrival at the Secretariat desk in Les Houches (see here).

•  Rooms are single occupancy.

 Your Stay
Refer to the section getting to Les Houches before filling the following

Date of Arrival (*) 3 June 12 June    other
if other, please specify

Date of Departure (*) 12 June 21 June    other
if other, please specify

Will you
take the conference bus on June 3  to get to Les Houches ? (*)
 Yes   No 
Will you take the conference bus on June 12 to leave Les Houches ? (*)
 Yes   No 
Will you take the conference bus on June 12 to get to Les Houches ?  (*)
 Yes   No 
Will you take the conference bus on June 21 to leave Les Houches ? (*)
 Yes   No 
Computing and Computers:

Standard software will be installed on our server. If you have a request for special software, please write it here, and we will try to install it. 


 Additional Information

How many years in research ? (*)
(including PhD)
≤ 4   ≤ 10    > 10

Only for those belonging to a CNRS unit (UMR,...), whatever your status (CNRS, University; permanent staff, post-doc, PhD student,..).

Are you eligible to a "CNRS Formation permanente" support?

Yes    No
Nationality(ies): (*)
Do you need an invitation letter?
Do you also need a letter to apply for a visa?
Special diet (vegetarian, no fish, ...)?
If yes, please add details in Comments and suggestions

Comments and suggestions

Once you have registered successfully you will receive a confirmation mail. If you do not receive a confirmation mail, please check that you have given a valid email address before contacting the secretariat
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