General rules and guidelines
- Deadline 31 December 2013
- Page guide (email the relevant coordinator for queries regarding your submission)
- The conveners will send a mail asking for statements of interest, coordinating the efforts and page length etc. Some topics will be collected in a single contribution with a contact person to be chosen by the conveners.
- Authors list: not all participants in Les Houches can sign as authors. The author list will also have contributions from those taking part in the activities of the Workshop from people who were not present in Les Houches.
- Please do not submit a copy of your sub contribution to the archives (unless it's in an expanded form for a paper of course!)
Instructions for the Proceedings
It is important that you stick by the following rules:
- No macros are allowed.
- Please use the template latex file appended below.
- Citations/References: You must use bibtex. Please use the format given by INSPIRES. For the references that are not in INSPIRE, fill out by hand the bibtex entry according to the example given in sample.bib.
- Naming, labelling: all the files attached to your contribution should be named appropriately: chose a nickname, eg. higgsloop, and name your files accordingly: higgsloop_main.tex, higgsloop_fig1.pdf etc.
- all the labels you are using for equations, figures etc should also follow the same format, eg. \label{higgsloop_label1}. You can imagine that otherwise the editors will run quickly into multidefined
- Figures: only use figures in the format accepted by pdflatex (.pdf, .png, .jpeg). Each file should not be more than 100KB. You should use the graphics package to include figures.
- Please provide the conveners with a pdf copy of your full contribution (together of course with the sources that will be used by convener/editor). This will help make sure that the compilation is correct.
All these rules are important to be able to gather all the contributions in a single file that will be submitted to the arXiv and the organising committee.
Templates and Downloads
- sample.tex - a sample file latex file to use as a template. It's been butchered so the content might have gaps (ie ignore the content).
- sample.bib - an example of a Bibtex file
- Fig1.pdf - an example figure included in the sample file.
- instructions.pdf - instructions on the preparation of the proceedings
- cernrep.cls - the CERN report style class, used for the proceedings
- lesHouches.bst - the Les Houches bibliography style template