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Higgs Working Group

Some topics for Session 1

a) PDF uncertainties for gluon-gluon fusion

  • -trace differences between CTEQ, MSTW and NNPDF to see if uncertainty can be reduced

b) Acceptances and uncertainties of acceptances for Higgs (gg→Higgs→WW/ZZ)

c) Higgs+jets cross sections

  • - comparisons of @MC@NLO, Powheg MINLO, MEPS@NLO, HEJ, etc
  • - comparisons of W/Z+jets with above (+LoopSim) as a testbed
  • - revisit tag jets: hadronization uncertainties for high rapidity jets

d) Higgs+jets uncertainties

  • -new scheme for jet veto uncertainties using Higgs+0, Higgs+1 jet resummation calculations
  • -comparison of Higgs+0 jet resummation results

e) Higgs+b's (ex: VH,H→bb)

2013/groups/higgs/start.1368647466.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/05/15 21:51 by fawzi.boudjema