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Event Format : extended LHE

People involved:

Present state

Sample size: example of ttbar dileptonic @ LHC (10,000 events)

File size (Mo)
LHE (gzip compression) 3.8
STDHEP (gzip compression) 153
HEPMC (gzip compression) 346
simplified LHE (gzip compression) 5.1
LHCO (gzip compression) 1.6
Delphes ROOT 161


  • defining a format sample for jet-clustering output (without fast-simulation detector).
  • LHCO contains too few information for performing sophisticated analysis. Need to add more variables.
  • LHCO does not take into account all Delphes3 potential.

Some ideas to discuss

  • Name of the format extension: eLHE (e for 'extended') ?
A small example
2013/groups/tools/eventformats.1371620179.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/19 07:36 by eric.conte