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Event Format : extended LHE

People involved:

Present state

Sample size: example of ttbar dileptonic @ LHC (10,000 events)

File size (Mo)
LHE (gzip compression) 3.8
STDHEP (gzip compression) 153
HEPMC (gzip compression) 346
simplified LHE (gzip compression) 5.1
LHCO (gzip compression) 1.6
Delphes ROOT 161


  • defining a format sample for jet-clustering output (without fast-simulation detector).
  • LHCO contains too few information for performing sophisticated analysis. Need to add more variables.
  • LHCO does not take into account all Delphes3 potential.

Some ideas to discuss

  • Using text format (theorist-friendly format :-D). ROOT is rejected.
  • Keeping the structure of the existing LHE Format and its XML tags. Name of the format extension: eLHE (e for 'extended') ? Reminder:
<LesHouchesEvents version="X">
2212     2212  0.40000000000E+04  0.40000000000E+04 0 0 10042 10042 3  1
0.47468358499E+01  0.15068796356E-01  0.47469000000E-03   0
12   0  0.4746900E-03  0.2312331E+03  0.7957747E-01  0.1132798E+00
21   -1    0    0  501  502  0.00000000000E+00  0.00000000000E+00  0.74064204368E+02   0.74064204368E+02  0.00000000000E+00 0.  1.
21   -1    0    0  502  503  0.00000000000E+00  0.00000000000E+00 -0.74552086368E+03  0.74552086368E+03  0.00000000000E+00 0.  1.
-6    2    1    2    0  503  0.14952840473E+03 -0.23999735524E+02 -0.41424800778E+03  0.47441561784E+03  0.17473990778E+03 0.  0.
-24    2    3    3    0    0  0.56722398399E+02 -0.36860071438E+02 -0.33540004381E+03  0.35186997544E+03  0.82116958530E+02 0.  0.
6    2    1    2  501    0 -0.14952840473E+03  0.23999735524E+02 -0.25720865153E+03  0.34516945021E+03  0.17335203433E+03 0.  0.
24    2    5    5    0    0 -0.16699616992E+03  0.38357854935E+02 -0.25987491067E+03  0.32192128147E+03  0.82093218139E+02 0.  0.
-13    1    6    6    0    0 -0.76026472087E+02  0.53922169130E+02 -0.95737952146E+02  0.13361654188E+03  0.00000000000E+00 0.  1.
14    1    6    6    0    0 -0.90969697833E+02 -0.15564314195E+02 -0.16413695853E+03  0.18830473960E+03  0.00000000000E+00 0. -1.
5    1    5    5  501    0  0.17467765185E+02 -0.14358119410E+02  0.26662591415E+01  0.23248168736E+02  0.46999998093E+01 0. -1.
11    1    4    4    0    0  0.50813684997E+02 -0.61274565657E+02 -0.22556131392E+03  0.23919554619E+03  0.00000000000E+00 0. -1.
-12    1    4    4    0    0  0.59087134026E+01  0.24414494219E+02 -0.10983872989E+03  0.11267442925E+03  0.00000000000E+00 0.  1.
-5    1    3    3    0  503  0.92806006335E+02  0.12860335914E+02 -0.78847963972E+02  0.12254564240E+03  0.46999998093E+01 0.  1.
  • Possibility to store hard-process states and reco objects in a same file.
  • The generation step (hard-process, shower, reco) will be specified by the status code.
  • Optional substructure in <event> block: defining a XML for each collection of objects. Several collections of a same objects (jets in the example) can be defined and used.
<jets name="substructure John Hopkins algo">
2013/groups/tools/eventformats.1371621290.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/19 07:54 by eric.conte