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Discussion on Differential Higgs Cross Section Measurements

under construction

  • Discussion focused on H→gammagamma and H→4leptons (and maybe H→WW)
  • What would be other useful observables and/or corners of phase space that are not currently measured by the experiments?
    • Inclusive variables
      • pT with a finer binning especially in the low pT range once possible
      • phi* probes the low pT phase space region in a different way (experimental resolution should be better for H→4leptons, H→gammagamma to be checked)
      • pTt
    • 0-jet resolution variables (currently measured: pTj)
      • Tau(C)j (lower pTj cut important)
      • Tau0 (track-based?)
    • 1-jet resolution variables
      • pTj1/pTj2 more differentially
      • pT(Hj)-system for pTj1 > cut for different cuts
      • phi(H-j)
      • Tau1, jetmass
    • 2-jet: CP studies with ggH
      • Delta phijj mapped to full [0, 2pi] (see paper by Zeppenfeld arXiv:1006.0986)
      • for CP studies in ggH: use loose delta eta_jj cut (some separation between jets, but looser than one would use for VBF studies)
    • While statistics is limited, measurement of the moments is useful (binning effects should be investigated).
  • Should spectra be measured normalized or not normalized?
    • not normalized (normalization can always be done later)
2015/groups/higgs/diff.1433604865.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/06 17:34 by kerstin.tackmann