Les Houches
2023 Session
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Here we will work on a combined proposal using the other two by combining their strengths and eliminating their weaknesses. We first define the rules for each type of block and the structure of the file in total. We then follow with an explicit proposal that should correspond to some real-life analyses from ATLAS and CMS.
The idea is to write a plain text file that can be read easily into xml if needed (and hence universally readable). The name of the block becomes the xml tag. Anything that follows is turned into attributes. e.g. “name ATLAS” inside the block becomes <experiment name=“ATLAS”>. Anything inside the block starting with “#” is added as a comment, i.e. the block
info analysis # Details about experiment id ATLAS-2014-XXX publication JHEP11(2014)118 sqrtS 8.0 lumi 20.0
converts to
<info name="analysis" id="ATLAS-2014-XXX" publication="JHEP11(2014)118" sqrtS="8.0" lumi="20.0" description="Details about analysis">
There are five types of pre-defined blocks:
For presenting results, we need two more blocks, e.g.
For any block, a link to code or external documentation can be provided. We can also include a MCsamples block to document the programs used to generate signal and background samples.
info analysis # Details about experiment id ATLAS-2014-XXX publication JHEP11(2014)118 sqrtS 8.0 lumi 20.0
info units ### Details about units for dimensionful quantities energy GeV length mm xsec pb # If using function repository, need to clarify if phi is between 0-2pi or -pi to pi.
function function_name arg1 type-of-arg1 arg2 type-of-arg2 return type-of-returnvalue code link-to-actual-code doc link-to-documentation
function isolation ### Sums up activity in the vicinity of a given candidate arg1 detectorobj # a single electron, muon or photon arg2 string # "calo", "tracks", "eflow" arg3 float # dR cone to be probed arg4 ptmin # minpt of objects to be counted arg5 bool # divide by candidate's pt? return float # sum of pT of the respective surrounding objects code http://google.de doc http://google.de function overlap ### Checks if the candidate overlaps with any object of the list provided arg1 detectorobj # to be tested candidate arg2 detectorobj-list # to be tested potential neighbours arg3 float # dR cone to be probed return bool # true if any of the neighbours is closer than dR to the candidate code http://overlap.de doc http://overlap.de function hasMediumTag ### Checks if the candidate overlaps with any object of the list provided arg1 detectorobj # electron return bool # true if it is tagged as medium code http://electrons.de/medium code http://electrons.de/medium
detectorobj muon_l ### Loose muons take external select isolation(muon_l.?, 'tracks', 0.4, 0.5)<0.1 code http://muons.mu doc http://checkmate.muons.mu detectorobj elec_l ### loose electrons take external select isolation(elec_l.?, 'tracks', 0.4, 0.5)<0.1 reject overlap(elec_l.?, muon_l, 0.4) code http://elecs.el doc http://checkmate.elecs.el detectorobj elec_m ### medium electrons take elec_l select hasMediumTag(elec_l.?) code http://elecs.el/medium doc http://checkmate.elecs.el/medium detectorobj lep ### signal leptons # lep contains medium electrons and loose muons take elec_m take muon_l detectorobj jet ### clustered jets from the calorimeter cells take external algorithm anti-kt R 0.4 ptmin 20 etamax 2.5 code http://jets.jet doc http://checkmate.jets.de