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Using fiducial measurements/distributions to constrain new physics

Interested people: Kentarou, Sabine, Benj, Stefania, Stefan, Jérémie, Ursula add your name if interested

The use of signal strength measurements (kappa framework, reduced couplings…) for constraining deviations from the SM is well established, and public tools (HiggsSignals, Lilith) exist for performing fits to the data. Two limitations of the signal strength approach are that it assumes

  1. the SM tensor structure
  2. that there are no new Higgs production modes (e.g. from decays of heavier states)

If new operators and/or new Higgs production modes are present, this can change the kinematic distributions and thus the signal acceptance. This can be tested with fiducial cross sections, STXS, differential distributions. However, appropriate tools and explicit studies using the available measurements are still missing.

Rivet routines are available for the ATLAS diphoton and 4l measurements at 8 TeV. These could be used to constrain additional Higgs production from e.g.

  • A → Zh
  • VLQ decays to Higgs
  • Higgs production from SUSY cascades, e.g. pp → sbottom pair → bbH(H) + MET, see, or pp → chi_1 chi_2 → H + MET
  • single hZ, hW, h+MET
  • X → h+l, h+gamma, h+jet, h+b, h+t

ATLAS 8 TeV Rivet routines are easily converted to CMS8TeV and/or 13 TeV measurements; numbers to be taken from plots or hepdata.

One interesting point would be to identify what can be done with and without this. Checking how constraints vary.

ATLAS and CMS results

See also this talk by F. Bernlocher on HFXS at Reinterpretation Forum meeting June 2016.

Concrete project proposals

  1. 'Generic' study
    1. Simulate signal for above mentioned scenarios, let Higgs decay to 2 photons or ZZ*, run through Rivet analysis (or your own implementation of the fiducial cuts) and put result on top of SM expectation for fiducial Xsection and differential distributions published by the collaboration.
    2. For the cases with a visible effect, compute the chi^2. Beware, the various histograms are not statistically independent, one needs to determine the most sensitive bin from all histograms.
    3. Wouldn't it be instructive to quantitatively estimate the gain from a pure signal strength approach?
  2. 2HDM-spcific study: From a general scan of the 2HDM fitting all the Higgs constraints in the usual way (signal strengths, cross section limits on heavy Higgs production), take the points with largest cross sections for pp→A→Zh and see whether these would contribute in any significant way to the fiducial Higgs measurements. Best consider 2HDM Type I, as it allows for lighter A. The plots below show the cross sections for gg→A→Zh at 13 TeV in the quasi-alignment limit from 1507.00933:

Some more references

2017/groups/higgs/fxsnp.1497941727.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/20 08:55 by ursula.laa