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Simplified Template Cross Sections (STXS) and EFT constraints

People interested (add your name): Francesco Riva, Ken Mimasu, Fabio Maltoni, Benjamin Fuks, Kristin Lohwasser

Perform a case study of the constraining power on EFT Wilson coefficients from Higgs data through STXS. Compare the sensitivity of performing a fit to the Wilson coefficients of interest via the STXS with a direct fit from LHC data and quantify any loss of information incurred.

Processes of interest:

  • Associated production (VH→bb)
  • Vector Boson Fusion (VBF→gamma gamma, tau tau, …)

Available UFO models:

  • HEL at LO (extensive set of SILH basis operators) (link)
  • HEL at NLO (small subset of SILH basis operators relevant for EW production) (link)


2017/groups/np/stxsveeft.1497855667.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/19 09:01 by kristin.lohwasser