Les Houches
2023 Session
- Use of wiki pages and slack. Wifi access/set-up.
- Important info about bus, lodging, facilities.
- Bulletins.
Wikis of Previous sessions
Les Houches Themes
(Lyrics and Music)
(Lyrics and Music)
This is an old revision of the document!
Project Description
A preliminar set of topics that can be discussed are:
→ How does the inclusion of ggZH at NLO affects the parametrization of the STXS bins in terms of EFT parameters? https://arxiv.org/pdf/1601.08193.pdf
→ Comparisons of SMEFTsim and SMEFTatNLO running both at LO to check the consistency
→ Understand what both tools include and agree on a “wishlist” if important features are missing.
Interested Participants
María Moreno Llacer, Marco Delmastro, Ana Cueto, Nicolas Berger, Paolo Francavilla, Saskia Falke, Daniel de Florian, Mauro Donega, Add your name :)