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What is implemented in which framework?

CM: Checkmate; MA5: MadAnalysis5 PAD

36 fb-1 SUSY analyses

ATLAS ID arXiv Short description CM Gambit MA5 Rivet SModelS
SUSY-2016-07 1712.02332 multijet + MET x x x EM, in develop
SUSY-2016-14 1706.03731 2SS or 3L + jets x UL, in develop
SUSY-2016-15 1709.04183 0L stop x x
SUSY-2016-16 1711.11520 1L stop x
SUSY-2016-17 1708.03247 2L stop x UL, in develop
SUSY-2016-23 1708.07875 >=2 taus x
SUSY-2016-24 1803.02762 multilepton EWK x (UL+EM, Philipp's branch)
SUSY-2016-25 1712.08119 soft lepton EWK x
SUSY-2016-27 1802.03158 jets+ photon (GMSB) x (UL+EM, Philipp's branch)
SUSY-2016-28 1708.09266 b-jets + MET x
CMS ID arXiv Short description CM Gambit MA5 Rivet SModelS
SUS-16-033 1704.07781 multijet + MET x x UL
SUS-16-034 1709.08908 OS dilept. + jets on-Z SRs UL
SUS-16-039 1709.05406 multilepton EWK x x UL
SUS-16-043 1706.09933 1L 2b + MET (EWK) UL
SUS-16-048 1801.01846 2 OS lept, soft PAS
SUS-16-051 1706.04402 1L stop x UL
PAS-SUS-16-052 1L stop soft x UL, EM-agg
SUS-17-001 1711.00752 2L stop x x UL
2019/groups/tools/recastcodecomparison.1561476485.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/25 17:28 by sabine.kraml