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Reinterpretation of searches with LLPs

Interested people: Andre, Sezen, Jose, Sabine, … (please add your name)

Reinterpretation and validation material

Discussion based on two analyses:

  • ATLAS-SUSY-2018-42: dE/dx - Already has information provided. Need a few more items:
    • Information for all search regions, not only for discovery.
    • Separate efficiencies for C1N1 and C1C1 models for the EWKino case.
  • CMS-PAS-SUS-21-006: disappearing track - Information to be provided and further studies:
    • Full analysis implementation in ADL. Input format Delphes.
    • Disappearing track efficiencies vs. truth level LLP decay length, perhaps pT, eta. Efficiencies provided as tables within the ADL file, and are emulated via hit-and-miss.
    • dE/dx values provided vs. p and mass, or perhaps p/m with resolution. Also provided as tables within the ADL file.
    • Cutflows for selected benchmarks.
    • Efficiency maps for all 49 bins in all SMSs as text tables / ROOT trees. Separate efficiencies for C1N1 and C1C1 models for the EWKino case…
    • Optional study: Check disappearing track tagging / dE/dx behavior in LLPs other than charginos.

Delphes module for truth level LLPs storage

LLP efficiencies mainly applied on GEN objects and their daughters. Usually done through tracing daughters in hepmc or Delphes GEN information. For the Delphes case, including the whole GEN collection leads to extremely large files, and tracing daughters can be tricky (due to radiation and showering).

Propose having a module that filters LLPs and their daughters from the Delphes GEN branch and saves them in the Delphes output. Andre has an existing module. Plan to make it available for public use, and further, discuss with the Delphes team the possibility to make it a recognized part of Delphes releases. Disappearing track ADL will be built based on this output.

Use recent LLP reinterpretation material to test LLP models

Any models to be tested ?

2023/​groups/bsmtools/llpreinterpretation.1687960604.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/28 15:56 by sezen.sekmen