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ML reinterpretation

Full analysis recasting

Standards for sharing models:

Analyses that have provided ML models:

Discussion during the Dec '22 reinterpretation workshop: link.

Surrogate models for object tagging

Propose to build a surrogate model using the JetClass dataset [1], trying to approximate the output of a state-of-the-art attention based tagger (ParT, [1]) – which uses low-level inputs including vertex information – with a network only using high-level kinematics / n-subjettiness. Hamburg is preparing a simplified dataset (dropping low level features, adding ParT output, restricting to hadronic top vs light quark/gluon;  reducing examples/class to  2M train / class; 500k test/class; 1M  val/class)

Based on this we can test different surrogate models, Bayesian NN, explicit sampling.

[1] Paper that introduced jetClass data: arXiv:2202.03772

2023/​groups/bsmtools/mlreinterpretation.1687860761.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/27 12:12 by gregor.kasieczka