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MC, Tools and ML

Systematic uncertainties [Thurs 14h00-16h00 Auditorium]

Slack channel: #np-ps-syst-uncs

Possible projects:

  • Shower accuracy and benchmarks
  • Amplitude evolution, if people are interested
  • Role and impact of the infrared cutoff, tuning, and uncertainties
  • A practical approach for experiments
    • What comparisons make sense - what is available?
    • Generators wishlist?
  • Including systematic uncertainties in ML based analysis

Interested people: Josh, Simon, Stefan, Vinny, Axel, Aishik, Saptaparna, Andrzej, Ana, Maria V., Gianna

Generator software and computing considerations [Friday 11h00-12h30 QCD room]

Slack channel: #gen-soft-comp

Possible projects:

  • Efficiencies
  • MC reweighting/unweighting
  • GPU/Vectorisation
  • Event format/sharing
  • Containerisation/preservation/reproducibility

Interested people: Josh, Vinny, Andrea, Stefan, Saptaparna, Maria V., Sergio

ttW modelling studies [TBC]

Slack channel: #ttw

Possible projects:

  • Understanding differences between Sherpa MEPS@NLO and aMC+Py8 FxFx?
  • Modelling uncertainties?

Interested people: Josh, Sergio, Stefan, Gianna

Issues with EW evolution, identification of EW final states [Thurs 16h00-17h30 QCD room]

Slack channel: #ew-evo-id

  • Possibly connecting to ttW?

Interested people: Simon, Axel, Andrzej

Status of q/g discrimination [Weds 14h00-15h30 Library]

  • Linked to Jets and Higgs

Interested people: Simon, Andrzej

Fiducial multiboson cross sections (VBF/VBS) [Thurs 11h00-12h30 QCD room]

  • Linked to Higgs

Interested people: Simon, Josh, Stefan, Axel, Saptaparna

Possible HF review [TBC]

  • Linked with Higgs and Jets

Interested people: Josh, Davide?, Stefan

ML-focused [TBC]

Possible projects:

  • New unfolding observables
  • Interoperability/practical considerations

Interested people: Vinny,Josh, Aishik, Andrzej, Maria V.

Overlaps between FPF and LHC [TBC]

Slack channel: #lhc-fpf

(Possibly the same for DUNE and EIC if enough people are here?)

Possible projects:

  • Impact of NNPDF + FPF data on LHC precision, e.g. W-mass

Interested people: Josh, Maria V., Stefan

2023/groups/smtools/start.1686724007.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/14 08:26 by sergio.sanchezcruz