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Higgs Effective Lagrangian

Interested people: Roberto, Filip, Benjamin, Jamison, Sabine, Kirtimaan, Beranger … (please add your name!)

General list of topics can be found below.

Concrete projects:

1) constraints from TGC coming from LEP1, LEP2, LHC.

To do: - literature study (Martin, …)

  1. “cleaning” the connection with LEP2
  2. including Zgamma results from LEP2
  3. extrapolation to LHC14 (and ILC)?
  4. study precision with which the anomalous HVV vertex can be probed (difft. distributions, asymmetries, …) (Rohini, Maggie, Kirtimaan)
  5. pay attention to the fact that the EWK corrections to the WZ production are still missing

2) map operators to experimental observables.

To do: - finalize the mapping for all operators

  1. is the current presentation of experimental results (kappa's) sufficient (how to treat kappa_gamma, kappa_g?)

3) dipole operators (top)

To do: - study processes ttW, Zh, tth, tWb (Rogerio, Sasha, Edward)

  1. constraints from b→s gamma etc (Andi, …)
  2. constraints from top differential cross section dsigma/dpt, dsigma/dM, … (Michael, …)
  3. pay attention to unitarity limit/strong coupling scale


1) Add G^2HH operators in Powheg (done)

2) Implement (bosonic) effective operators into MADGRAPH (done) and Calchep (Sasha)

3) Derive constraints from existing experiments (including processes with no Higgs, like TGC)

4) Try to find new strategies to extract Wilson coefficients (ex H→ ZZ and H→WW)

5) Map the operators to experimental observables

5) Estimate future sensitivity at the LHC

6) sources of operators with non-standard tensor structure and in particular CP-violating ones – feasibility of measuring these operators via associated Vh productions (in can be recycled in hhV)

Special Focus on Top and Higgs

1) reconsider constraints on dipole operators involving tops and Higgses

2) consider prospects for top+higgs processes at the LHC (also ttZ)

2013/groups/higgs/hel.1371649219.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/19 15:40 by filip.moortgat