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# OLE_order for 3jet production
InterfaceVersion          BLHA2
Model                     SM, # MSSM, UFO<space>/path/file.ufo
CorrectionType            QCD
IRregularisation          CDR
AlphaPower                0
AlphasPower               2
ExcludedParticles         6 7 # space separated-list
MassiveParticles          4 5 # space separated-list
AmplitudeType             Loop (default), Tree
#OperationMode            # obsoleted in favor of setting coupling to 1 explicitly
#MatrixElementSquareType  # obsoleted in favor of colour-helicity-summed,
                          # averaged over helicity and colour of initial state,
                          # including monte-carlo symmetry factor, including 1/(16*Pi^2) factor
Precision                 0.001
# optional replacemet for CHsummed, CHaveraged, etc
Extra HelAvgInitial true
Extra ColAvgInitial true
Extra MCSymmetrizeFinal true
# optional OLP-specific parameters
Extra NJetMultiPrec   # use multi-precision rescue system
Extra NJetNc 3        # set SU(Nc) Nc
Extra Process 9 AmplitudeType LeadingColour
Extra Process 10 AmplitudeType loopds
Extra Process 11 AmplitudeType loopds
# process list 2j
1 1 -> 1 1
1 -1 -> 1 -1
1 -1 -> 2 -2
1 -1 -> 21 21
21 21 -> 21 21
AlphasPower             3
Extra AmplitudeType LeadingColour
# process list 3j
1 1 -> 21 1 1
1 -1 -> 21 1 -1
1 -1 -> 21 2 -2
1 -1 -> 21 21 21
21 21 -> 21 21 21
AlphasPower             4
AmplitudeType           Tree  # not Extra, the same as above
# process list 4j
21 21 -> 21 21 21 21
1 -1 -> 21 21 21 21
1 -1 -> -2 2 -2 2
1 -1 -> -1 1 -1 1
21 21 -> 21 21 21 21
2013/groups/sm/blha/order1.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/17 17:45 by gudrun.heinrich