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HEPDATA wishlist

Extensions: - non-histogram data

e.g. cross sections w/o artificial bin, co
     correlation/error matrices
     +/- excursions for multiple systematics 
     (this should be output for rivet, preferred format for correlations)

- link to Rivet analysis - link to paper and other documentation (arXiv/inpsire)

Search facility upgrade: keywords

Auto-entry, formatted (test uploads, authorisation by experiment contact

Export to & import by Rivet - plot titles and captions - data year, experiment, luminosity Rivet to add these to plots

Also in HepMC, include MC name & version, pass to Rivet, add to plot legend.

auxilliary data (backgrounds, theory curves)

2013/groups/tools/hepdata.1370532566.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/06 17:29 by jonathan.butterworth