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Les Houches Higgs Working Group

Session 1

Session 2

Higgs Session 2 Proceedings in preparation (to be updated)

On the importance of NLO corrections in EFT
Charged Higgs decays to gauge bosons
Low mass pseudoscalar decays to tau leptons
Non-standard monojet signatures at the LHC
Comparison of EFT and BSM Models in associated Higgs and double Higgs production

Responsibles: Veronica Sanz, Adam Falkowski, Christoph Englert

Heavy Higgs decays for large splitting between Higgs partners
Exotic Higgs production

Responsible: Giacomo Cacciapaglia

Mono-Higgs probes of dark matter
Decays of low mass Higgs to gamma gamma
List of proposed topics for session 2
  • Effective field theory approach to Higgs searches at the LHC
  • EFT implementation in Monte Carlo
  • Fiducial Higgs cross sections at the LHC: why, how, and what can be learned
  • Synergy of electroweak precision and Higgs data
  • Triple gauge couplings at the LHC: how to make the analysis better and more model-independent.
  • Presentation of limits from heavy Higgs searches on multi-Higgs models.
  • Complementarity between non-standard Higgs searches and precision Higgs measurements
  • Extra Higgs (light or heavy) searches: which decay channels are not covered?
  • Scalars approximately mass-degenerate with the 125 GeV Higgs boson
  • Higgs studies in the off-shell regime: on-shell and off-shell interference effects, impact on heavy Higgs signal strength measurements, EFT vs simplified models.
  • Prospects for NMSSM Higgs Bosons with Run II
  • “Exotic” decays of h(125) - what is doable with Run II and how ?
  • Exotic production of h(125), disentangling from SM production
  • probing h(125) CP (beyond h→ZZ: fermionic h decays, ttH, …)
  • Higgs and dark matter.
  • Renormalization group effects in the dim 6 EFT space, impact on searches for new physics?
  • status of double Higgs production searches: is there something left to do?
  • WW scattering, unitarization studies
session2 -> session 1 wishlist
  • identify worst systematics for simulating Higgs signals at the LHC
  • discuss data driven determination of ggH contamination in VBF searhces
  • discuss tuning of bbh associated production predictions using bbZ data
experimentalist's projects
  • Apyan Aram (CMS)
    • heavy changed higgs searches for Run2, in particular with H+→chi+chi0 and H+→tau+ nu
  • Bluj Michal (CMS) (can't be in Les Houches unfortunately)
    • measurement of the h((125) CP properties with h→2tau
  • Carrillo Camilo (CMS)
    • search for a low mass h→ 2gammas (down to 60 GeV). The main interest is the exploration of models that this search could constrain.
  • Chanon Nicolas (CMS)
    • Higgs EFT: Trying out Higgs basis (maybe with aMC@NLO) for gluon fusion and connexion with ttH
    • Higgs EFT: EFT studies connecting VBF/VH and aTGC in diboson; could be done with new EFT tool at NLO (Benjamin Fuks et al)
    • Double Higgs in NMSSM
  • Courbon Benoit (CMS)
    • NMSSM/BSM Higgs bosons, final states with photons for Run II
  • Devdatta Majumder (CMS)
    • Resonant production of diHiggs in BSM with both Higgs bosons decaying to bb. Improbved tagging of high pT H→b using jet substructure and flavour-tagging techniques.
  • De Filippis Nicola (CMS)
    • “monoHiggs models”: DM candidates produced in association with a Higgs decaying into 4l. motivated by arXiv:1312.2592
  • Juste Aurelio (ATLAS)
    • FCNC Higgs interactions
    • searches for BSM Higgs bosons in top quark final states
  • Nikitenko Alexander (CMS):
    • BSM bbA: simulation uncertainties; can bbZ help to reduce bbA uncertainties; gg→A “bkg” to bbA;
    • MSSM heavy H/A→sparticles: can it complement the direct sparticles searches ?
  • Oliveira Alexandra (CMS)
    • di-higgs physics in gluon fusion at LHC; would like to understand in which BSM scenarios non-resonant VBF hh could be enhanced more than GF hh
  • Pollard Chris (ATLAS)
    • involved in ATLAS diboson resonance searches (VV, VH, HH), with H→bb and vector bosons decaying to both leptons and hadrons, including BSM A/H decaying to these final states. Most of his effort currently goes towards high-pt top/boson ID and reconstruction: b-tagging, substructure, reconstruction of close-by leptons and jets
    • most interested in discussing new reconstruction techniques and the interpretation of analyses making use of them.
  • Sabes David (CMS)
    • light scalar bosons in SUSY models
  • Ulrich Goerlach (CMS)
    • evaluate what NMSSM benchmark scenarios proposed in arXiv:1408.1120 (Maggie et al) can be measured at RunII
2015/groups/higgs/start.1448447594.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/25 11:33 by adam.falkowski