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Les Houches Analysis Description Accord

People: S. Sekmen, H. Prosper, G. Unel, B. Fuks, J. Tattersall, D. Schmeier, C. Pollard, S. Kraml, S. Kulkarni, D. Morse, D. Majumder, N. Desai, D. Sengupta. N. De Filippis, J. Sonneveld … etc. (add your name if interested)

Goal: Prepare an SLHA-like easy to read and write accord for describing the flow of an LHC analysis.

First proposal made for a generic structure. CM and MA authors will try to implement a single lepton stop search.

Proposal by Daniel Schmeier & Jamie Tattersall proposal1

Proposal by Nishita Desai, Suchita Kulkarni & Devdatta Majumder proposal2

Combined Proposal by ND, SK, DM, DS & JT: proposal


  • Binned information should have a simple way to cut it
  • Cuts must not branch but instead can use a common 'predecessor'
  • Syntax must not contain brackets to allow for an easy parsing

To Be Discussed Isues:

  • Format
  • Definition of 'detector constructed' objects like jets, electrons, etc
  • How to enforce documentation of the used objects
  • How to enforce documentation of validation material


  • Acronym: LHADA (Les Houches Analysis Description Accord) and not LHAAD
  • Information about benchmark points
  • Information about process generation needs to be added (merging parameters, generated process, link SLHA file if needed, link to model files etc.)
2015/groups/tools/lhaad.1434979585.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/22 15:26 by daniel.schmeier