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Interested people: Jose Miguel No, Jose Zurita,

1. V phi, with phi → gamma gamma, what does the LHC can say?

bounds from LEP. what is the LHC capability?

bounds from H coupling measurements to ZZ and EWPT

2. Complementarity with phi single production together with a ISR

Light scalars (m_{phi} < m_h = 125 GeV) with no phi V V coupling (V = SM gauge boson) but coupling to fermions. Motivated in extended Higgs sectors (e.g. light Higgses in 2HDM) when the 125 GeV is SM like (2HDM “alignment limit”).

Weakly constrained by LEP (no V phi production). Maybe challenging @ LHC? phi recoiling against a hard jet could allow to trigger on this (phi → gamma gamma? tau tau?).

3. Exotic Higgs decays: What are the holes?

h→ a a, Z a, a a' with a, a' scalar/pseudoscalar (for Z a, a is pseudoscalar) h→chi1 chi2

  1. > Current searches for h → a a: 4 muon, 2 mu 2 b, 4 tau, 2 tau 2 mu, 4 b…
  1. > Interesting to look at signatures with resolved/not resolved photons: 2b 2gamma, 4 gamma (for unresolved 2 gamma pairs, measurement of h→gamma gamma could yield weak constrain)

s Z with s→gamma gamma

h→ss→SM (eventually scalars with different masses h→ s1s2) what are the holes?

* decays involving missing energy: h→chi1 chi2 with chi1 invisible

* s with displaced decays. Role of the LHCb

2017/groups/higgs/2h.1497706057.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/17 15:27 by