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NNLO subgroup

  • comparison of IR subtraction schemes (Drell-Yan as benchmark?) contributors: Joao Pires, Roaul Röntsch, Frank Tackmann
  • APPLFast Tables: come up with common interface for input to Tables, such that N(N)LO code providers can stick to standards as guidelines for the output format they provide (Les Houches APPLcord?) contributors: Daniel Maitre, Mark Sutton, Klaus Rabbertz
  • standards for public multi-loop results (e.g. Loopedia, extended UFO) plan: come up with Drell-Yan as an example for tool-chain at various levels in UFO format. contributors: Valentin Hirschi, Gudrun Heinrich, Claude Duhr,
2017/working_groups/nnlo.1497090695.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/10 12:31 by gudrun.heinrich