Les Houches
2023 Session
- Use of wiki pages and slack. Wifi access/set-up.
- Important info about bus, lodging, facilities.
- Bulletins.
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SMEFT analysis of high-pT dilepton tails, including angular observables
Participants Aoife Bharucha, Dario Buttazzo, Juhi Dutta, Berni Gaud, Tetiana Hrynova, David Marzocca, Marco Nardecchia, Giacomo Polesello, Priscilla Pani, Minho Son, Elena Venturi, Natascia Vignaroli, Tevong You, Adam Falkowski
Preliminary proceedings note: PDF
To do:
Other topics for consideration
Summary of the meeting 8/11/2019
After a recap of the project and what was done during the Les Houches workshop, we discussed the next steps to take and divided the various tasks. The goal of the project and the general strategy is sketched in the notes, together with some other relevant details. In short, we want to put limits on SMEFT operators from the 8TeV ATLAS double-differential distribution, and check the difference to the limits obtained using only the single distribution in m_ll. We already have a working FeynRules UFO model which includes all the dimension-6 operators we are interested in. Short-term tasks (and people who self-assigned to them) with a timeline of 1-2 weeks:
Once these things are done we can proceed with the event generation for all the 38 parameter space points listed in Table 1 of the notes. We will divide the simulations jobs among us.