Les Houches
2023 Session
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Responsible: Ken Lane
Participants: Ken & Jon B + Will Shepherd + David Sperka
KL: The definition of sin(β−α) is inverted in this file compared to usual convention of Branco et al., so the alignment limit is achieved when sin(β−α)=0 (It is sin(β−α)=1 in the standard definition of Branco et al. because they define the ρ1,ρ2→h,H(=h1,h2 below) mixing angle α as π/2 in the alignment limit. KL & Will Shepherd defined α=β in the alignment limit because it is in line with the Higgs h1=H(125) being a Goldstone boson of spontaneous scale symmetry breaking. Thus, in the KL-WS convention, sin(β−α)=sinδ where δ is the misalignment angle in their paper, https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.07927; δ=0 in the alignment limit – which is tree approximation in the GW-2HDM.).
KL: It can be seen that the branching ratio to b quarks is about 80%, so higher than the SM value. This seems to be due the fact that Herwig is LO and does not use a running b mass.
Still do not understand why the H→γγ branching fraction is zero.
Higgs labelling conventions (left is the UFO name, right the name in the KL-WS paper, https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.07927.):
KL: tanβ=v2/v1 is the usual definition. However, the Type-1 set up in the KL-WS paper and the KL-E.Pilon paper, https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.02111, takes the Φ1 doublet as coupled to ALL quarks, up- and down-type and to all leptons. This is different than the Type-1 convention in Branco et al. and in ATLAS and CMS papers, in which it is Φ2 that couples to all fermions. (Sorry, folks, this choice was made before KL discovered the Branco, et al. paper.) The net effect of this is that ALL the decay AMPLITUDES of the BSM Higgses (namely, h2=H′,h3=A,h+,h−=H±) to fermion pairs are proportional to tanβ (NOT cotβ); the same is true of such all fermion-loop-induced process such as gg→H′,A and H,A→gg and γγ. Thus, in determining experimental limits on these BSM Higgses from the LHC experiments assuming Type-1 2HDM, put tanβ→cotβ in those papers.
Fix the m(h+/-) and A masses to be equal to M and related to the H′ mass via (540GeV)4=M4H′+3M4, and scan over 0.1<tanβ<10 and 150<M<410GeV.
KL: The reason for M(h+/-) = M(h3) is that this makes the BSM Higgses' contribution to the T-parameter vanish through one-loop order. (See Lee & Pilaftsis, PRD 86, 035004 (2012) and the KL-WS PRD cited above.) It would be interesting to investigate how much this mass equality can be relaxed and remain consistent with the T-parameter constraint.
KL: The sum rule constraint for this model, (M^4_{h2} + M^4_{h3} + 2M^4_{h+})^{1/4} = 540 GeV, follows from the Higgs-mass (M_{h1}) formula derived by E. Gildener and S. Weinberg in PRD 13, 3333 (1976). It is determined by minimizing the one-loop approximation to the S. Coleman–E. Weinberg potential for this model. Because of this sum rule constraint, when M_{h+} = M_{h3} \simge 400 GeV, the mass M_{h2} and various branching ratios of h+/- and h3 are very sensitive to small changes in M_{h+} = M_h3}. Especially the BR's for h+/- → W+/- h2 and h3 → Z h2 grow rapidly and become more important than t bbar and t tbar, respectively. Therefore, it is interesting and important to see how much the sum rule is affected by, e.g., the two-loop correction to the effective potential. That is, how seriously we should take the 540 GeV RHS of the sum rule?
As you can see, the measurements disfavour tanβ>1 regardless of M=MA. There is some increase in sensitivity at high MA. We can also plot the same data as a function of MH′:
KL: The sensitivity plots BELOW are new (received from JB on 23 October 2019).
The binning is equally spaced in M, so gets distorted in MH′ (can do another scan in MH′ if useful). However, even here we can see the increased sensitivity at high MA corresponds to MH′<250GeV or so.
We can look at the sensitivity plots for different signatures. The sensitivity that reaches to lowest tanβ comes from dilepton+X measurements around the Z pole (so Z+jet and similar measurements). See below:
Lepton+MET+X measurements (mostly W+jet or top) also have their best sensitivity at quite M, but a bit lower than the dileptons, so at intermediate MH′, see below the same scan plotted against the two different masses.
The inclusive γ measurements also have some sensitivity, which shows a sharp cutoff once MA>350 GeV. (See below.)
This needs to be understood. Next, we should try and identify exactly which processes and which cross section measurements drive these sensitivities to check whether they makes sense.
Trying this 2HDM: https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/2HDM
Quick test run for 13TeV with these parameters:
set /Herwig/FRModel/Particles/h2:NominalMass 150*GeV set /Herwig/FRModel/Particles/h3:NominalMass 410*GeV set /Herwig/FRModel/Particles/h+:NominalMass 410*GeV set /Herwig/FRModel/Particles/h-:NominalMass 410*GeV set /Herwig/FRModel/FRModel:tanbeta 0.5 set /Herwig/FRModel/FRModel:sinbma 1.0
I think h2 = H', and h3 = A in Ken's language. Not sure which way up tanβ is.
Herwig output:
Seems to be some sensitivity in the CMS top and W+jets measurements and the ATLAS Z+jets…to be checked. Note this run is only 1000 events, will do more once we agree whether it looks sensible. Then also plan to fix [2M4h±+M4h3+M4h2]=5404 GeV and scan in tanβ and Mh2.
Same run but with
set /Herwig/FRModel/FRModel:tanbeta 2.0
Herwig output:
Same as above, swith
set /Herwig/FRModel/FRModel:tanbeta 0.5
Herwig output:
Same as above, still with
set /Herwig/FRModel/FRModel:tanbeta 2.0
Herwig output:
TODO add the resonant modes gg→h2 etc