Les Houches
2023 Session
- Use of wiki pages and slack. Wifi access/set-up.
- Important info about bus, lodging, facilities.
- Bulletins.
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Les Houches Themes
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(Lyrics and Music)
This is an old revision of the document!
Members: Ben F, Andy B, Sezen S, Jon B, R. Ruiz, Anders K, Are R., Nishita D., Philippe G., Tomas G…
We'll use the published version of CMS SUS-16-048: http://cms-results.web.cern.ch/cms-results/public-results/publications/SUS-16-048/index.html
Our benchmark point will be the (150,142.5) test point from CMS, i.e. degenerate and pure wino Chi20/Chi+1 at 150 GeV, and a pure bino Chi10 at 142.5 GeV.
The CMS signal simulation uses Pythia (8.212) to decay the Chi20 and Chi1+. They assume SM branching ratios for the resulting virtual Z and W, but take into account the Breit-Wigner shapes. To make this work in Pythia we assume that they have adjusted the “23:mMin” and “24:mMin” settings. We'll try with
SLHA file: cms_150_143_slha.txt
250k events will be produced and stored in HepMC format.
CMS software (simulation and reconstruction) is public and can be used to be compared with results from Delphes and smearing-based simulation.
Events will be stored in Delphes format.
Implemented the analysis using a domain specific analysis description language approach:
Project contact: Anders K.
Task | Responsible |
Sample production | Roberto R. |
Cutflow numbers from Gambit | Anders K. + Tomas G. |
Cutflow numbers from MA5 | Benjamin F. |
Cutflow numbers from CheckMate | Nishita D. |
Cutflow numbers from Rivet | Andy B. |
Cutflow numbers with CMS simulation + CheckMate | Philippe + Nishita |
Cutflow description with ADL, numbers from adl2tnm, CutLang | Sezen |