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Interference effects in the search for heavy Higgs bosons

Interested people: Stefan Liebler, Jérémie Quevillon, Sabine Kraml, Alexandra Carvalho [add your names]

Motivation: The search for additional heavy Higgs bosons is often carried out in the narrow width approximation, i.e. interferences of the Higgs bosons with the SM background as well as the light Higgs boson or other heavy Higgs bosons are neglected. The first analysis taking into account such interferences was carried out by ATLAS in the tˉt final state [ATLAS-CONF-2016-073]. Such interference terms are usually strongly final state and model dependent.

Idea: To classify the free parameters setting the interference terms starting with the VV and HH final states. Try to provide a guidance where interferences are expected to be sizable.

The below table gives a hint where large interference among the heavy Higgs bosons ϕi, the SM Higgs H and the SM background B are to be expected depending on the final state under consideration:
Notation: Heavy (CP-admixed) Higgs bosons ϕi, SM Higgs H, SM background B

bˉb/τ+τ tˉt γγ VV HH
Int. between ϕi and ϕj yes yes yes yes yes
Int. between ϕi and B yes yes yes yes
Int. between ϕi and H yes yes

The final state HH is (also) discussed in the di-Higgs group.

Discussion 20/06/2017:


Discussion 22/06/2017:

Work plan:

  1. Calculate dσX/dmVV or mHH for X=S,IB and IH for the subsequent parameters and store them as a function of mVV/mHH in a table:
  2. VV: cgeiθg, mΦ, ΓΦ, κV.
  3. HH: cgeiθg, mΦ, ΓΦ, λHhh,λhhh
  4. Read in the table (with Mathematica) and calculate relative correction factors named (η,η+,η), see slides, or apply a similar method (arXiv:1510.03450).
  5. Try to classify the relevant regions, where interferences are of relevance (check also ΓΦ/mΦσS/σB).


for the different final states:


  1. Signal-background interference in ggΦtˉt and ggΦγγ, A. Djouadi, J. Ellis and J. Quevillon arXiv:1605.00542
  2. Signal-background interference in ggΦtˉt, M. Carena and Z. Liu arXiv:1608.07282
  3. Signal-background interference in ggΦtˉt with higher order QCD effects (simplified model and 2HDM), B. Hespel, F. Maltoni, E. Vryonidou arXiv:1606.04149
  4. Signal-background interference for a singlet spin-zero digluon resonance, S.P. Martin arXiv:1606.03026
  5. Production of heavy Higgs bosons and decay into top quarks at the LHC, W. Bernreuther, P. Galler, C. Mellein, Z. Si, P. Uwer arXiv:1511.05584
  6. Production of heavy Higgs bosons and decay into top quarks at the LHC. II: Top-quark polarization and spin correlation effects, W. Bernreuther, P. Galler, Z. Si, P. Uwer arXiv:1702.06063


  1. Interference effects in Heavy Higgs production via gluon fusion in the Singlet Extension of the Standard Model, E. Maina arXiv:1501.02139
  2. Heavy Higgs signal–background interference in ggVV in the Standard Model plus real singlet, N. Kauer, C. O'Brien arXiv:1502.04113
  3. Dip or nothingness of a Higgs resonance from the interference with a complex phase, S. Jung, J. Song, Y. Yoon arXiv:1505.00291
  4. Interference Effects in Higgs production through Vector Boson Fusion in the Standard Model and its Singlet Extension, A. Ballestrero, E. Maina arXiv:1506.02257
  5. Interference effect on a heavy Higgs resonance signal in the γγ and ZZ channels, S. Jung, Y. Yoon, J. Song arXiv:1510.03450
  6. Interference contributions to gluon initiated heavy Higgs production in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model, N. Greiner, S. Liebler, G Weiglein arXiv:1512.07232


  1. Higgs pair production via gluon fusion in the Two-Higgs-Doublet Model, B. Hespel, D. Lopez-Val, E. Vryonidou arXiv:1407.0281
  2. NLO Corrections to Double Higgs Production in the Higgs Singlet Model, S. Dawson, I. Lewis arXiv:1508.05397

for two interfering heavy Higgs bosons:


  1. Interference effects in BSM processes with a generalised narrow-width approximation, E. Fuchs, G. Weiglein arXiv:1411.4652
  2. Impact of CP-violating interference effects on MSSM Higgs searches, E. Fuchs, G. Weiglein arXiv:1705.05757
2017/groups/higgs/inter.1498140977.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/22 16:16 by stefan.liebler