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Reinterpretation tool interoperability

Members: Ben F, Andy B, Philippe G, Anders K, Roberto R, Tomas G, Sabine K, Nishita D.

Naming suggestions (add your own!)

  • Universal Recasting Interface (URI)
  • URCHIn (Universal Recasting Code des Houches for INterpretation)
  • KERMIT (Kooool Event Recast Modular Interpretation Tool)
  • (L')HERMIT ((Les) Houches Event Recast Modular Interpretation Tool)
  • CoMIT
  • MARTY (Modular Analysis Reinterpretation Tool for You)
  • MORT (MOdular Reinterpretation Tool) – Mort is a character in Pratchett's Discworld series who fills in for Death when he is on holiday, and eventually is set to take over the job. Much in the same way we want to take over this terrible job of describing the details of analysis.
  • CRUSH (Code to Recast Using Searches, by les Houches)
  • RUSH (Recast Using Searches, by les Houches)
  • B-SMART (or BeSMART): Beyond Standard Model Analysis Reinterpretation Tool

Voting process, aka cast-rating, to come ~soon…

2019/groups/tools/interop.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/28 13:33 by tomas.gonzalo