Les Houches
2023 Session
- Use of wiki pages and slack. Wifi access/set-up.
- Important info about bus, lodging, facilities.
- Bulletins.
Wikis of Previous sessions
Les Houches Themes
(Lyrics and Music)
(Lyrics and Music)
This is an old revision of the document!
As is the tradition in LH, the programme will be built up on a daily basis. Until the meeting takes place (or just about), we can only list the programme of the first and last days of each session.
Room Reservation for WG meetings/discussions with boards and projectors
(there are other informal small meeting places/corners..)
10h00-11h00 | LLP recasting discussion | Tools | Library |
11h00-12h00 | Dilepton recast follow-up with Tanya | Tools | QCD |
11h00-12h30 | Freeze-in from scattering @ the LHC | BSM | Library |
14h00-15h00 | VLQ simplified model & LQ, pheno of an UV completion | BSM | QCD |
14h00-15h30 | ML: Generative models 3 | Tools | Auditorium |
15h00-16h00 | Higgs without Higgs: ZZ, ttHZ, exotic Higgs decays | Higgs | Library |
16h30-18h00 | ML: Anomaly detection 2 | Tools | Auditorium |
17h00-18h30 | High-T dilepton: discussion on simulations | QCD | Library |
10h00-11h00 | LLPs from DM with 'softish' decays | BSM | Auditorium |
10h00-11h00 | 0-lepton search recast follow-up | Tools | Library |
11h00-12h00 | Dilepton recast and interference dip | Tools | QCD |
14h30-15h30 | Universal recasting code design | Tools | Auditorium |
15h30-16h00 | Recast tool comparison catch-up | Tools | Auditorium |
14h30-16h00 | RDM: last meeting | BSM | QCD |
14h30-16h00 | ML : last meeting - wrap up | Tools and BSM | Auditorium |
19h00 | Drink | Bar | |
19h30- | Repas Savoyard | Restaurant |
09h00-11h45 | Session 2 Reports of the WGs | Auditorium | |
11h45-12h00 | A word from the organisers | the Organisers | Auditorium |
12h00-13h10 | Lunch and Coffee | LH Restaurant |
13h00- | Walk to the bus | |
13h30- | Workshop bus departs for CERN and Geneva Airport | Prarion |
19h30 | Dinner | LH Restaurant |
21h00 | Conveners and Organisers Meet | Auditorium |
09h00-09h15 | General Introduction and Welcome | Organisers | Auditorium |
Working Group Summaries | Auditorium | ||
09h15-9h40 | SM experimental PDF | Joey Huston | Auditorium |
09h40-10h05 | SM theory PDF | Alexander Huss | Auditorium |
10h05-10h30 | Jets PDF | Simone Marzani | Auditorium |
10h30-11h00 | Break | Hall deWitt | |
11h00-11h20 | Higgs theory PDF | Stephen Jones | Auditorium |
11h20-11h45 | Higgs experimental PDF | Michael Duehrssen | Auditorium |
11h45-12h30 | Tools and MC PDF | Emanuele Re | Auditorium |
12h30-14h30 | Lunch, Coffee, Sport, … | LH Restaurant |
14h30-16h00 | General Discussion & Task Assignment, Round Table | All | Auditorium |
16h00-16h30 | Coffee/Tea Break | Lounge in Main Building | |
16h00-17h00 | Jet brainstorming | whoever is interested | Auditorium |
17h00-18h00 | Higgs brainstorming | whoever is interested | Library |
19h00-19h30 | Welcome Drink, … | LH Restaurant |
19h30- | Dinner, … | LH Restaurant |
9h00-10h00 | NLM brainstorming | NLM | Auditorium |
10h30-12h00 | MC/tools: project meetings | MC/tools | Auditorium |
14h00-15h00 | Tuning discussion | Jets | QCD room |
14h00-18h00 | Higgs: STXS in production and ideas for STXS in decays (https://indico.cern.ch/event/827970/) | Higgs | Auditorium |
16h00-17h00 | Jets: Gluon PDF Discussion | Jets | QCD room |
18h00-19h00 | VBF/VBS q/g Discussion | Jets | QCD room |
09h00-10h30 | VBS/VBF | MC/tools | Auditorium |
10h00-12h00 | Higgs: EFT interpretation of Higgs measurements | Higgs | Library |
10h00-11h00 | MC variations | MC/Tools | Auditorium |
10h00-12h00 | Theory Nuisances for W/Z pT, and resummation for precision W/Z fiducial xsecs | NLM + MC/tools | QCD Room |
14h00-15h00 | All-order calculations and their application to jet physics | Felix Ringer | Auditorium |
15h00-16h00 | Discussion on R-dependence of jet cross-sections | Felix Ringer & Gregory Soyez | Auditorium |
16h30-18h00 | Subtraction schemes | NLM | Auditorium |
16h00-16h45 | LHEF updates | MC/Tools | Library |
17h00-18h00 | ttbb first, then top pT | MC/Tools | Library |
9h00-11h00 | Scale uncertainties in PDFs Stefano Forte | NLM | Auditorium |
11h00-12h30 | Theory Uncertainties: Beyond Scale Variations PDF | NLM | Auditorium |
14h00-16h00 | Photon isolation | NLM | QCD Room |
14h00-15h00 | Gluon PDF update | Jets | Library |
14h00- ~15h00 | MC variations (continuation) | MC and tools | Auditorium |
15h30-16h30 | ttW differential EW | MC and tools | QCD room |
16h00- 17h00 | NNLO ntuples | MC and tools | library |
16h00-17h00 | Tuning update | Jets | Auditorium |
16h30-18h00 | PDF benchmarking | NLM | QCD Room |
16h30-17h30 | Weighted event generation, negative weights discussion follow-up | MC and Tools | Library |
18h00-19h00 | VBF/VBS q/g update | Jets | Auditorium |
09h00-11h00 | Boosted Higgs discussion | NLM+Higgs+Jets | Auditorium |
10h00-11h00 | Analytic expressions from numerical programs | NLM | QCD Room |
11h00-11h30 | Short kick-off meeting on Top Mass Scheme Uncertainties HJ/HH/ZH/H* | Higgs | Library |
11h00-12h00 | (Generalized) threshold factorization for rapidity spectrum Slides Johannes Michel | NLM | Auditorium |
14h00-15h00 | Weighted event generation, negative weights discussion follow-up II | MC and Tools | Library |
Weather permitting, this is a day off.
10h00-10h30 | gg→HZ study | MC/tools | QCD room → Library |
10h30-12h00 | EFT follow up | Higgs | QCD room → Library |
14h00-18h00 | Higgs: Combined LHCXSWG di-Higgs Subgroup Meeting on SM Uncertainties & EFTs (https://indico.cern.ch/event/825291/) | Higgs | Auditorium |
14h00-15h00 | VBF/VBS (status and “tasks assignment”) | MC/Tools | QCD room |
15h00-16h00 | MC variations, case study (define precise aim and “tasks assignment”) | MC/Tools | QCD room |
16h15-16h30 | MC variations, “pedagogical compendium” | MC/Tools | Library |
16h00-17h00 | Gluon PDF | Jets | QCD room |
17h00-17h30 | initial state PS PDF treatment | MC/Tools | QCD room |
17h00-18h00 | q/g tagging for VBF/VBS | Jets | Library |
18h00-19h00 | tuning with JSS | Jets | QCD room |
18h00-18h30 | ttbb (status, define precise aim, “tasks assignment”) | MC/tools | library |
9h15 - 10h00 | ttW (ew corrections) | MC/tools (EW experts welcome) | QCD room |
10h00-12h00 | STXS follow up | Higgs | QCD room |
11h00-12h00 | tt~ spin correlation + NNLO tt~ | MC/Tools, NLM | library |
14h00-17h00 | resummation benchmarking meeting Indico | NLM | qcd room |
15h30-17h00 | LH wishlist update | NML | Auditorium |
17h00-18h00 | NLO + PS for higher order QCD uncertainties | Jets/NLM | QCD room |
19h00- | Aperitif + Workshop dinner | LH Restaurant |
08h45-11h40 | Session 1 Reports of the WGs | Auditorium | |
08h45-09h10 | SM Loops/Multilegs Experimental | Josh Bendavid | Auditorium |
09h10-09h35 | SM Loops/Multilegs Theory | Daniel Maitre | Auditorium |
09h35-10h00 | Jets | Ben Nachman | Auditorium |
10h00-10h25 | Break | Hall deWitt | |
10h25-10h50 | Higgs Theory | Daniel de Florian | Auditorium |
10h50-11h15 | Higgs experimental | Mauro Donega | Auditorium |
11h15-11h40 | Tools and MC TH_part Ex_part | Vitaliano Ciulli, Stefan Prestel | Auditorium |
11h45-12h00 | A few words from the organisers slides | Fawzi | Auditorium |
12h00-13h30 | Lunch and Coffee | LH Restaurant |
13h30- | Conference bus departs for CERN and Geneva Airport | Car Park |
19h30 | Dinner | LH Restauraunt |
21h30 | Conveners and Organisers Meet | Auditorium |
09h00-09h15 | General Intro and Welcome | Fawzi | Auditorium |
Working Group Summaries | Auditorium | ||
09h15-12h15 | WG Presentations | Auditorium | |
09h15-10h00 | BSM Theory and BSM Experimental PDF | BSM WG conveners | Auditorium |
10h00-10h45 | Higgs BSM | The conveners | Auditorium |
10h45-11h15 | Break | ||
11h15-12h00 | Tools&MC PDF | The conveners | Auditorium |
14h30-16h30 | Brainstorming. Defining Projects | All | Auditorium |
16h30-17h00 | Tea Break | All | CdW Hall |
17h00-18h50 | Interpretation/Recasting | MC&Tools+BSM WG | Auditorium |
17h00-18h40 | H+Extra Scalars, di-Higgs,Exotic decays, Light (p)scalars | Higgs WG | Library |
19h00-19h30 | Welcome Drink, … | LH Restaurant |
19h30- | Dinner, … | LH Restaurant |
9h30-10h45 | LQ, LFU, High PT | BSM WG | Auditorium |
11h00-12h30 | Machine Learning kickoff | ML for BSM and tools | Auditorium or Library |
14h30-16h00 | DM +LLP's | BSM | Auditorium |
16h00-?? | Higgs EFT | Higgs WG | Auditorium |
17h00-?? | Low-mass (pseudo-)scalars | BSM | QCD |
17h00-?? | Learning Machine Learning for non Machines without Machines | ML for BSM and tools | Library |
18h00-18h30 | Recast comparison quick planning | Tools | Auditorium |
09h30-11h00 | STXS BSM | Higgs | Auditorium |
09h30-11h00 | Contur intro/developer kickoff and search/meas complementarity | Tools+MC | Library |
09h30-11h00 | WIMPy dark matter (DM+leptoquarks) | BSM | QCD |
11h00-12h30 | ML: Regression x-sec, BR, likelihoods, sampling | ML | library |
11h00-12h30 | High-pT dilepton tails. SMEFT analysis and LFU ratios | BSM | QCD |
14h30-16h00 | Analysis description language | Tools+MC | QCD |
14h30-16h00 | Low-mass (p)scalars | BSM | library |
16h00-17h30 | Higgs without the Higgs | Higgs | QCD |
16h00-17h30 | ML: Generative models, event generation | ML | library |
16h00-17h30 | Dark matter + long-lived particles | BSM | Auditorium |
17h30-19h00 | Exotic Higgs Decays | Higgs/BSM | library |
18h30-19h30 | Unified collider recast code design | Tools+MC | QCD |
Sunday was a day off. A hike to Aiguillete des Houches was organised. Some pics can be found here (Sabine's pics,…Upload yours on our LH owncloud)
9h30-10h30 | LQ, pheno of an UV completition | BSM | QCD |
11h00-12h30 | ML: Anomaly detection, etc. | Tools | Auditorium |
11h00-12h30 | High-pT dilepton tails. SMEFT analysis and LFU ratios | BSM | QCD |
14h15-15h00 | ML: Generative models 2 | Tools | Library |
14h30-15h00 | Interference: should new particle searches take QM seriously? | BSM/Higgs | Auditorium |
14h30-15h00 | High-pT dilepton tails - FeynRules model | BSM | QCD |
15h00-16h00 | How ATLAS decides what to trigger on (including LLPs) | BSM/Higgs | Auditorium |
15h00-16h00 | Recast comparison: follow-up and use of experiment open software | Tools | Library |
16h00-17h30 | High-pT dilepton tails - R(mll) LFU ratio | BSM | Coffee |
16h00-17h30 | Dark Matter + LLPs: Tagging SM hadrons in LLP searches/displaced gammas | BSM | QCD |
16h00-17h00 | Low-mass scalars: h→Zϕ | Higgs | Amphi |
17h30-18h30 | INFORMAL DISCUSSION IF YOU HAVE DONE A TUTORIAL: Discussion and demo about ML tutorial. Exercise and example can be downloaded here | ML for BSM and tools | Library |
09h30-11h00 | RDM project | BSM | QCD |
10h00-11h00 | Analysis orthogonality | Tools | Library |
11h00-12h00 | Dilepton search Rivet recast | Tools | Auditorium |
11h00-12h30 | ML: Models from networks | Tools | QCD |
11h00-12h30 | Higgs without the Higgs (2) | Higgs | library |
14h30-16h30 | BSM: Light Scalars | BSM | QCD |
14h30-15h30 | Higgs STXS-EFT | Higgs | library |
16h00-17h30 | ML: Regression x-sec, BR, likelihoods, sampling 2 | ML | Auditorium |
17h30-18h30 | 4-top | Higgs | QCD |