As is the tradition in LH, the programme will be built up on a daily basis. Until the meeting takes place (or just about), we can only list the programme of the first and last days of each session.
Files of the presentations should be appended. First upload your file through the media manager in the directory :2015:talks: and choose an appropriate working group.
Speakers, please only upload a .pdf version of your talk
19h30 | Dinner | LH Restauraunt |
21h00 | Conveners and Organisers Meet | Auditorium |
09h00-09h15 | General Introduction and Welcome | Organisers | Auditorium |
09h15-12h30 | Working Group Summaries | Auditorium | |
09h15-09h45 | Higgs Theory | Massimiliano (Grazzini) | |
09h45-10h15 | Higgs Experimental | Kerstin (Tackmann) | |
10h15-10h45 | Coffee Break | Lounge in Main Building | |
10h45-11h45 | SLM Summary | Simon (Badger), Joey (Huston), Jesse (Thaler) | |
11h45-12h15 | Tools and MC Experimental | Vitaliano (Ciulli) | |
12h15-12h45 | Tools and MC Theory | Marek (Schoenherr) |
12h45-14h30 | Lunch, Coffee, Sport, … | LH Restaurant |
14h30-16h00 | General Discussion & Task Assignment, Round Table | All | Auditorium |
16h00-16h30 | Coffee/Tea Break | Lounge in Main Building | |
17h00-18h00 | Quark/Gluon Kickoff | QCD Room |
19h00-19h30 | Welcome Drink, … | LH Restaurant |
19h30- | Dinner, … | LH Restaurant |
09h00-10h30 | Jettiness in NNLO Calculations | Frank Petriello | Library | |
11h00-12h30 | EWK corrections | SM+MC | Library | V.Ciulli J.Lindert |
14h00-16h00 | comparisons for the Higgs+jets study | SM+MC | Library |
17h00-18h30 | W/Z+bjets 5F vs 4F | MC | Library |
17h00-18h30 | Photons | QCD room |
09h00-10h00 | Parton shower and matching uncertainties | MC | Library |
10h00-11h00 | gammagamma+jets measurements discussion | QCD room | |
10h00-12h00 | ttbar (?) setup (focus/scope/observables) | MC | Library |
11h00-12h30 | Discussion on differential Higgs measurements | Higgs | QCD room |
14h30-16h00 | The New PDF4LHC Accords General | SM | Auditorium | Juan Rojo, Stefano^2 (Carrazza+Forte), PDF4LHC talk on mc2h (Carrazza), Benasque talk on CMC (Carrazza), Nadolsky talk on META PDFs(Nadolsky), |
14h30-16h00 | Quark/gluon discrimination | SM | QCD room |
09h00-10h00 | Parton shower discussion | MC | QCD room | |
10h00-12h30 | TH uncertainties for W mass (part 1) | SM | Auditorium | Talk |
11h00-12h30 | Fiducial/(pseudo-) observables for Higgs measurements | Higgs | Library | |
14h30-16h00 | TH uncertainties for W mass (part 2) | SM | Auditorium | |
16h15-18h15 | Fiducial/(pseudo-) observables for Higgs measurements | Higgs | Auditorium | |
17h00-18h30 | Discussion about the Les Houches wishlist | SM | Library |
9h00-11h00 | Photon Projects Discussion | SM (+ Higgs) | Auditorium | Leandro Cieri Discussion + Accord, Gudrun Heinrich Cone comparisons, Ciaran Williams Cone comparisons + tri and quadriphoton cross sections, Mauro Chiesa Isolated photons with POWHEG+MiNLO |
11h00-12h00 | h+jets study | SM+MC | Auditorium | |
14h30-16h00 | Higgs pT (reweighting, uncertainties, …) | Higgs | Auditorium | |
16h00-17h00 | Quark/Gluon Initial Results | QG | Auditorium | |
16h00-17h00 | Off-shell studies of the Higgs | Higgs | QCD Room | |
17h15-18h15 | Propagation of NNLO results | SM | QCD Room |
Weather permitting, this is a day off.
09h00-10h00 | Parton shower uncertainties | MC | Library |
10h30-12h30 | Presentation of Results and Fiducial Cross Sections (1): follow-up discussion for fiducial/differential cross sections, see here for open points | Higgs | Library |
14h30-16h30 | ggF | Higgs | Auditorium | Stefano Forte: PDF4LHC |
16h30-17h00 | Coffee/Tea Break | Lounge in Main Building | ||
17h00-17h45 | Wishlist for QCD Fragmentation Constraints (LEP to FCC-ee) | MC/QCD | QCD Room | |
17h00-18h30 | Presentation of Results and Fiducial Cross Sections (2): recap/discussion on pseudo cross sections and applications, see here for initial proposal | All | Auditorium |
19h00- | Aperitif + Workshop dinner | LH Restaurant |
09h00-10h30 | Presentation of Results and Fiducial Cross Sections (3): refinement of proposal | Higgs | Auditorium | |
10h30- | Coffee/Tea Break | Lounge in Main Building | ||
11h00-12h00 | tt+jets | MC | Library | |
11h00-12h30 | Photons | SM (+ Higgs) | Auditorium | Ciaran triphoton sigma vs extended epsilon, Ciaran triphoton extended epsilon R7, Blackboard discussion |
14h45-16h00 | Theory uncertainties in global PDF fitting | All | Auditorium |
16h00-17h30 | Final Quark/Gluon meeting | QG | Auditorium |
16h00-17h00 | MCnet management meeting | MC | QCD room |
17h00-18h00 | Presentation of Results and Fiducial Cross Sections (4): finishing up refinement (VH and more rare) | Higgs | Library |
08h45-12h00 | Session 1 Reports of the WGs | Auditorium | |
08h45-09h45 | SM N/NLO and jets | Jesse, Ansgar, Joey Auditorium | |
09h45-10h30 | MC | Rikkert | Auditorium |
10h30-11h00 | Coffee Break | Jacassière | |
11h00-11h45 | Higgs | Josh leshoucheshiggssummary-jun9-2015.pdf | Auditorium |
11h45-12h00 | Final Words from the Organisers | Fawzi | Auditorium |
12h00-13h30 | Lunch and Coffee | LH Restaurant |
13h30- | Conference bus departs for CERN and Geneva Airport |
19h30 | Dinner | LH Restauraunt |
21h00 | Conveners and Organisers Meet | Auditorium |
09h00-09h15 | General Intro and Welcome | Organisers | Auditorium |
09h15-12h30 | Working Group Summaries | Auditorium | |
09h15-09h45 | BSM Higgs Theory | Christoph (Englert) | Adam (Falkowski) |
09h45-10h15 | BSM Higgs Experimental | Alexandre (Nikitenko) | |
10h15-10h45 | Coffee Break | Lounge in Main Building | |
10h45-11h45 | BSM Theory | Antonio (Delgado) | |
11h45-12h15 | BSM Experimental | Gustaaf (Brooijmans) | |
12h15-12h45 | BSM Tools | Sezen (Sekmen) |
12h45-14h30 | Lunch, Coffee, Sport, … | LH Restaurant |
14h30-16h00 | General Discussion & Task Assignment, Round Table | All | Auditorium |
16h00-16h30 | Coffee/Tea Break | Lounge in Main Building | |
16h30-18h00 | Extra Higgses kickoff meeting | Higgs WG | Auditorium |
18h00-19h00 | Dijet resonances | BSM WG | Library |
19h00-19h30 | Welcome Drink, … | LH Restaurant |
19h30- | Dinner, … | LH Restaurant |
09h00-10h30 | Compressed spectra, stops, electroweakinos | BSM WG | Library |
09h30-10h30 | Higgs EFT kick-off meeting | Higgs WG | Auditorium |
11h00-12h30 | Higgs, DM and LHC | Higgs WG | Auditorium |
11h00-12h30 | Composite Higgs & top | BSM WG | Library |
12h30-14h30 | Lunch, Coffee, Sport, … | LH Restaurant |
14h30-16h00 | Dibosons | BSM WG | Library |
14h30-16h00 | More higgs lowmass diphoton | Higgs WG | QCD |
16h00-17h30 | Presentation of Exp Results & Recasting | Tools WG | Library |
16h30-18h00 | LFV | BSM WG | QCD |
18h00-19h00 | SUSY Tools | Tools & BSM WG | Library |
18h00-19h00 | Mono-higgs DM search | Higgs WG | Posters room |
09h00-10h30 | 2HDM | Higgs WG | Library | Sasha N. |
09h00-10h30 | Dijet resonances | BSM WG | QCD | |
10h00-11h30 | Validity of the EFT and UV models VH | EFT WG | Auditorium | |
11h30-12h30 | Validity of the EFT and UV models HH | EFT WG | Auditorium | |
14h00-14h45 | h>WW in general EFT | Higgs WG | Library | |
15h00-16h30 | Neutral Naturalness Intro | BSM WG | Auditorium | |
17h00-18h00 | Football: theory vs experiment | All WG | Lawn | |
16h30-18h00 | Very fast simulator (Falcon) | Tools WG | QCD room | |
18h00-19h00 | Mono-higgs DM search | Higgs WG | Posters room | |
18h00-19h00 | Exotic Higgs Production | BSM/Higgs | Library |
09h00-10h30 | A/H→SUSY Tom's slides and Sasha N. | BSM+Higgs WG | Library |
09h00-10h30 | Dijet Resonances | BSM WG | QCD |
10h00-10h30 | HH (quick discussion) | Higgs WG | Auditorium |
10h30-11h30 | 2HDM | Higgs WG | Library |
11h00-12h30 | LFV and B decays | BSM WG | QCD |
11h30-12h30 | Pythia8 tutorial | Tools WG | Auditorium |
13h30-17h00 | NLO EFT meeting (vidyo with CERN) | Higgs WG | Auditorium |
14h00-14h30 | Diboson resonances | BSM WG | QCD |
14h30-16h00 | BSM interpretation tools | Tools WG | Library |
14h30-16h00 | Exotic Higgs Production (short discussion) | Higgs/BSM | QCD room |
16h00-17h30 | Composite Higgs and Top Partners | BSM WG | Library |
17h30-19h00 | Complementarity of EFT and model approach to DM searches at the LHC | Higgs/BSM WG | Auditorium |
16h30-17h30 | Mono-higgs DM search | Higgs WG | Posters room |
09h00-09h45 | Pythia8 tutorial continued | Tools WG | Auditorium |
10h00-12h00 | Discussion of Fiducial and PO (Vidyo connection) | Higgs WG | Auditorium |
10h00-12h00 | More higgs lowmass diphoton | Higgs WG | QCD |
14h00-15h00 | LFV and B Meson decays | BSM WG | QCD |
14h00-16h00 | LH analysis description accord | Tools WG | Library |
14h00-16h00 | Vidyo connection to HXSWG meeting | - | Auditorium |
16h00-18h00 | Compressed spectra | BSM WG | Library |
16h00-17h00 | VH POS and EFT | Higgs WG | Auditorium |
16h00-17h30 | Complementarity of EFT and model approach to DM searches at the LHC | Higgs/BSM WG | TBA |
16h30-18h00 | Exotic Higgs Production | Higgs/BSM | QCD room |
18h30-19h30 | Dijet Resonances | BSM WG | Bar (no wifi) |
18h30-19h30 | H0 → ttbar | Higgs/BSM | QCD room |
17h00-19h30 | Mono-higgs DM search | Higgs WG | Posters room |
10h00-11h00 | Mono-higgs DM search | Higgs WG | Posters room |
11h00-12h30 | Diboson Resonances | BSM WG | Library |
14h30-16h00 | More higgs lowmass diphoton | Higgs WG | QCD |
14h00-15h30 | LFV and B Meson decays | BSM WG | Library |
16h00-17h00 | Recast of SUSY searches to DM models | BSM WG | Library |
16h00-17h00 | Fiducial/PO | Higgs WG | Auditorium |
17h00-18h00 | Falcon, very fast simulator | Tools WG | Library |
17h00-18h00 | Th vs Exp | Football WG | Lawn |
18h00-19h00 | Mono-higgs DM search | Higgs WG | Posters room |
19h00- | Aperitif + Workshop dinner | LH Restaurant |
09h00-10h00 | 2HDM Split | Higgs WG | Library |
09h00-10h30 | Dijet Resonances | BSM WG | QCD |
10h30-12h30 | Relaxion Tutorial | Higgs+BSM WGs | Auditorium |
14h30-16h00 | Composite Higgs and VLQs | BSM WG | Library |
14h30-16h00 | Higgs to ttbar | Higgs WG | QCD |
16h00-17h30 | Les Houches Analysis Description Accord | Tools WG | Library |
17h30-19h00 | Exotic Higgs Production: final meeting | Higgs/BSM | QCD room |
17h30-19h00 | Rosetta | Higgs/EFT | Library |
17h30-19h00 | Dark Matter @ LHC WG | Higgs/BSM | Lawn |
17h00-19h00 | NMSSM Benchmark points for HiggsExternal Link | Higgs+BSM WGs | Auditorium |
18h00-19h00 | Diboson Resonances | BSM WG | TBD |
09h00-12h00 | Session 2 Reports of the WGs | Auditorium | |
09h00-09h45 | Higgs | Sasha N. Christoph E. and Adam F. | Auditorium |
09h45-10h30 | BSM | Summary Cédric (Delaunay), Gustaaf (Brooijmans) | Auditorium |
10h30-11h00 | Coffee Break | Lounge in Main Building |
11h00-11h45 | Tools and MC | Tools summary Benjamin (Fuks) | Auditorium |
11h45-12h00 | A word from the organisers | the organisers | Auditorium |
12h00-13h30 | Lunch and Coffee | LH Restaurant |
13h30- | Workshop bus departs for CERN and Geneva Airport | Car Park (If the driver does not chicken out) |